5 Simple Ideas for Offense – Joe Moorhead
Joe Moorhead – 5 Simple Ideas How Joe Moorhead turned 5 simple ideas into one of football’s scariest offenses – Joe Moorhead’s offensive system is all the proof you need that he can thrive in Starkville and take on the SEC West – By
1. Use the same personnel as much as possible
Defensive coordinators have to make their decisions based on your personnel, not your formation. Don’t give them anything to work with.
2. Empower the QB
Give your players as much control as they have earned. Teach the QB to be your eyes on the field and make changes based on what he sees.
3. Slap a read onto nearly every run, too
Never put yourself in a position in which your QB doesn’t have options.
4. It’s about the players, not the system
Defenses will always try to dictate the reads you make. Stay one step ahead of them.
5. Never stop adapting
The fifth tenet to Moorhead’s philosophy has more to do with the man than the system.
Game Plan Design – Joe Moorhead 2019
Joe Moorhead Podcast – Game Plan Design 2019 Joe Moorhead talks about how he puts together his game plan and attacks defenses – By Keith Grabowski | Posted 6/20/2019
Oklahoma Offense – 2018
USA Football – Oklahoma Offense 2018 Resources to help you learn from Oklahoma’s Offense – By Keith Grabowski | Posted 5/24/2019 *PLUS – Offensive and Defensive Resources (Articles + Drill Videos + Podcast) *Quality Research & Resources
Oregon Offense – 2014
Timing, Rhythm and Deception: The Oregon Pass Game in the NFL This is an in-depth article showing us the basic concepts of the Oregon Play-Action Pass Game that Chip Kelley has brought to the NFL. Written by Brian Flinn on March 18th, 2014 from “Fishduck.com”
Baylor Offense – 2013
How the hell do you stop Baylor Baylor University Football = speed + scoring – this is a look at why-what-how they score so many damn points year after year