Programming for Business and Agencies = Biz Leadership
This course will be taught as if you are employees within a Health and or Fitness Organization. Therefore, your performance will be assessed (graded) as if you are “on the job” each class session. You will be expected to come ready to work every class session. You will also get the opportunity to experience working with your colleagues to plan, design, organize and present your own business in the Health and Fitness industry.
492@ – Welcome (1:26 min) *Gets you started!
492W – Web Course Intro & Overview (6:23 min)
*99% of doing a good job is showing up + working hard – 100% of the time (all or nothing)
This course will use an experiential approach to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to assess, plan, implement and evaluate health / wellness / fitness programs within a business / corporate setting. Students will actively participate in a process-oriented, student-centered learning environment that includes cooperative learning, critical thinking, effective communication, assessment and problem solving. As indicated by the “W”, this is a writing intensive course and will follow university guidelines for such courses.
Specifically, students will complete individual projects for the first half of the course. Additionally each individual will be paired with another classmate to present 1 CPD (Continuing Professional Development). For the second half of the course, students will form business teams consisting of 4-6 members where they will complete several team projects toward the final design of their choice of business in the health industry. Every individual will sign a TEAM CONTRACT which will clarify work policy, ethic and breach of contract. TEAMS can formally “FIRE” an individual, where “fired” individual must complete future projects by themselves (as determined by the Instructor). Team Projects are assessed by the Final Product of the Project and then Pro-rated by each Individuals Contribution to the Project.
COURSE OBJECTIVES – after successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- Develop personal definition of leaders-managers and support with research and examples.
- Describe the organizational designs and positions within different types of businesses in the health and fitness industry.
- Understand the critical components involved in hiring and retaining the best staff.
- Understand how to properly evaluate a business and staff within the organization.
- Identify the components of a successful marketing plan.
- Learn how to effectively sell a business organization.
- Understand key financial statements and approaches to budgeting and financing.
- Describe the legal, health, and safety issues relevant to the industry.
What Makes a Great Leader
Ted Talk on YouTube – Why good leaders make you feel safe | Simon Sinek
Motivation for Business Leaders
Motivation – Part 2 This is a power point lecture with 2 great presentations (TED talk and RSA Animate) on new research with motivation. By combining the first lecture – notes – workshop with this additional information we will be able to design a comprehensive and quality motivational plan for everyone within your program – therefore, making you the best LEADER you can be from year to year. *Parts of the research was collected by students in my 492W course @ Penn State (Planning for Businesses and Agencies) – Kristen Scullin and Alex Kulwik (spring semester – 2015)
Video #1 – What makes us feel good about our work? | Dan Ariely @ TedxRiodelaPlata
Video #2 – How Motivation is Driven by Purpose – and not Monetary Incentives / Dan Pink’s talk @ the RSA
Video #3 – The Psychology of Self-Motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech
Scott Geller is Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems in the Department of Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the World Academy of Productivity and Quality. He has written numerous articles and books, including When No One’s Watching: Living and Leading Self-motivation. Scott will examine how we can become self-motivated in “The Psychology of Self-Motivation.”