Welcome back…Get Involved

Welcome back to Penn State!

As the Spring semester gets started, I wanted to focus on one of the four keys to student success that I emphasize for all of our new students in HHD: Activities.

Learning occurs everywhere and needs to be a lifelong pursuit. Penn State and the College of Health and Human Development provide you with ample opportunity to get involved and develop your learning outside of classes. Our departments and schools have outstanding student organizations, and those are just a few of the thousand of clubs and organizations here.

Over on the Events And Activities page, I’ve posted a few things happening. Clubs and organizations are, of course, only one way to get involved. Volunteering with local organizations or groups at home is another important part of getting involved. How important? Well, in a survey last year by Deloitte, over 80% of employers said they looked for it in job applications. While you are helping others, you can help yourself. It’s doubly important for students in our fields—employers see it as a sign of your commitment to customer service and helping others. It’s also a great way to see whether or not you like different types of work, to network with people working in the field, and to learn what aspects of future employment fit your talents.

I want to highlight the Day of Service on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. You can still sign up to volunteer. Do good work–it pays off on the future, even if it’s volunteer work today.

Just a reminder–I have regular office hours to meet with students, usually on Thursdays from 3:30-5 PM. You can schedule a meeting by calling 865-1427. I am also available to meet with student clubs and organizations at their regular meetings, so feel free to call the same number and schedule a visit. My email is dshea@psu.edu and I’m @DennisG_Shea on twitter (look for #PSUHHD). I have a regular Twitter Office Hours (Tweet-OHs) Thursday night from 8-9 PM. Have a great semester!



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