Welcome back to students!


I want to welcome all new and returning Health and Human Development students back to Happy Valley. I hope you had a great summer and are ready for an outstanding academic year. I have a few short reminders or requests for you.

1. I want to remind all of our HHD students and student organizations about space available for their use. The Hintz Family Student Center, room 10 in Henderson Building, is YOUR center. It’s a great place to have a student organization meeting, hold a group meeting for a class project, or just relax between classes. Organizations can reserve it for meetings by calling 865-1428 or stopping by the reception desk in 201 Henderson Building (the Dean’s Office). When not in use for student organization meetings, the Hintz Student Center is open for all HHD students to use.

2. I am looking for HHD student volunteers to serve on my Associate Dean’s Advisory Board, a group of students to help me identify ways the College and its departments, faculty and staff can better serve HHD students. We’ll meet about once a month to discuss what’s on your minds and to work on projects for the College.

3. I’m interested in finding some student bloggers who would be willing to share their experiences and thoughts here on this blog, too. There is an events page here where we’ll keep activities of interest to students updated.

If you are interested in blogging with me or serving on the Advisory Board, please send me an email to Heather Zimmerman (hdh3@psu.edu) using the subject VOLUNTEER with the following information:

Advisory Board or Blogger:
Skills and experience you can contribute (100 words or less):

Finally, I want to invite you to stay in touch with me. I will have regular office hours for students (Thursday from 1:30-3 PM, call 865-1427 to make an appointment) and will also have Twitter Office Hours (TweetOHs) on Thursday from 8-9:30 PM (@DennisG_Shea and #PSUHHD). Those are times for students to share their ideas for improving HHD with me or just to talk about baseball, academic or career advice or whatever is on your mind. (My staff assistant is out this week, so if you plan on visiting tomorrow, drop me an email rather than calling for an appointment).

Good luck this year!

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