Daily Archives: August 25, 2015

Welcome back!

It’s great to have all of our HHD students back in Happy Valley!  I hope your first day of classes went well.  We’ve kicked off the year here with a great JumpStart program and the Dean’s Ice Cream Social yesterday was our first event in our new HHD Building.  I hope all of our new first-year, transfer and change-of-campus students got to meet some of their faculty, advisers, and fellow students. By the way, HHD has added a “Take Your Professor to Lunch (or Coffee or Ice Cream) Program”–check it out!

As your Associate Dean, I’ll try to blog about once a week on a topic that interests students, faculty, alumni and others. I’ll also post some information here about resources for students.

My topic today is student involvement.  My question for our HHD students this week is this: What can we do to help get more HHD students involved and help HHD student organization achieve their goals?

I hope you’ll share your thoughts in the comments. You can also tweet ideas to me @DennisG_Shea with #PSUHHD and join me for Twitter Office Hours (Tweet-OHs) Wednesday night at 9 PM.

One of the great experiences I’ve had as a faculty member is being involved in clubs and organizations with students.  Whether hosting alumni speakers, traveling with students to professional conferences, or just helping them develop their leadership, it’s always been a great experience.  I encourage all of our continuing and our newest students to find an organization and get involved–or start a new group that we don’t have here.

We’ve been working hard to help HHD student organizations expand their ability to support and represent students.  And we have some fantastic clubs and organizations in all of our departments.  I just want to plug one–our HHD Student Council.  This is our official college organization, and I am so impressed with the work they have done to turn our Student Council into a powerful group to support and represent HHD students.  I hope that you’ll consider attending their first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 1, in 10 Henderson Building (I want to make sure all HHD students know that 10 Henderson is YOUR student center–open throughout the day, it’s a great place to relax, study, eat lunch, etc.  There are computers and a printer there for you to use)


  • Penn State Involvement Fair, Mon. – Thurs., Aug. 24 – 27, 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, HUB-Robeson Center
  • 1st Annual Cigna Wellness BBQ, Fri., Aug 28th, 11am-2pm, Smeal College of Business lawn
  • Fresh START Day of Service, Sat., Aug. 29, 8:30 AM-4:00 PM, Alumni Hall, HUB-Robeson Center
  • HHD Student Council, Tues., Sept. 1, 6:30-8, 10 Henderson Building
  • HHD Multicultural Student Welcome, Wed. Sept. 9, 5-6:30 PM, 10 Henderson
  • Fall Career Days, Sept. 15-17, Bryce Jordan Center
  • PSU Education Abroad Fair, Sept. 30, 11am-4pm, HUB-Alumni
  • C.A.R.E. Fair, Oct. 7, 10am–1pm, HUB-Robeson. This career event is focused on employers in health and human services, park and recreation management, hospitality, public service, non-profit and volunteering realms.
  • HHD Education Abroad Open House, Oct. 16, 3-5pm, HHD Building Commons
  • HHD Parents and Families Ice Cream Social, Oct. 17, 1-3 PM, 10 Henderson

Resources and Opportunities

In short, our faculty, staff, students, and alumni in HHD and throughout Penn State are here to help you succeed.