HHD Undergraduate News September 13 2018

  • HHD Healthy Start: Tuesday, September 18, 4:30-5:30 PM, 14 Henderson, HHD Student Council Stand for State Training on Relationship Violence. I’m challenging HHD male students to attend this meeting! Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and change the culture of violence.
  • HHD Education Abroad Open House, Thursday, September 27, 2018, 3 – 5 p.m., Health and Human Development Building Room 108 and Atrium.
  • Attention Penn State students! Join State of State today! Apply online at https://t.co/2bhY8YJesF or on the website https://t.co/SrXOCbMFv7. Applications are open until Sunday, September 16th. 
  • One of our HHD students, Connor Welles, has to take some time off for cancer treatment, and his parents invite HHD students to support him by visiting his Caring Bridge web site and sharing some encouraging words: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/connorwelles
  • STAND FOR STATE Peer Educator Applications are Now LIVE! Did you hear that Stand for State is starting a peer educator program? Well, we are! We are looking for full-time graduate or undergrad students that want to provide programs to their peers about how to step in when in counts and create a safer campus culture. Peer educators will be trained to provide programs about interrupting sexual and relationship violence. Applications open September 12 and close on September 26th. In-person interviews: October 2 – 5. Training weekend: October 20 – 21 
  • All That WE ARE!  The activity is intended to help build empathy and connection between participants, who respond to a variety of questions that highlight human experiences. Empathy and connection are key pieces in prompting people to intervene in concerning situations. This year, we will be expanding the amount of people that can attend, as well as facilitate the post-activity discussion in small groups with a catered dinner. This event is for faculty, staff, and students of Penn State. The event will not be filmed this time around.
  • Did you get a flag from your professor about a class? Go see your adviser and talk to your professor! Students who need assistance with a class, a paper or other tutoring support can get it for free from Penn State Learning.  Guided Study Groups and tutoring is available for free to all Penn State students.  Visit https://pennstatelearning.psu.edu/ for more info. 
  • Our HHD Honor Society is also offering peer tutoring. If you would like to be contacted by an Honor Society tutor complete this short form: https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eYdjrEx8PiKhJOd
  • Penn State’s 26th Annual Symposium on Family Issues is on Oct. 22-23, 2018 in State College, PA: The landscape for family life is ever changing. The strategies needed to maintain family economic stability, health and general well-being vary across space and place. Although the rural-urban divide is often portrayed as the most important geographic distinction, there is tremendous diversity across rural communities. Families in rural areas come from diverse backgrounds, and communities vary in the degree to which they can support healthy families and child well-being. The 2018 National Symposium on Family Issues will focus on the challenges facing families in rural areas and the unique strategies invoked by families in rural areas today. Visit our website for more information and to register. The Symposium is open to everyone, including undergraduate students, but registration is required.
  • HHD STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING, MONDAY SEPT 24, 7 PM, 359 HHD BUILDING. Presentations on HHD Study Abroad, Global Entrepreneurship Week, HHD Student Council’s Big Event and other opportunities to get involved. (what food will Dr. Shea bring? Duck Donuts? Gumby’s Pokey Stix?)
  • The Associate Dean’s Student Advisory Board (SAB) is a group of students selected to assist the Health and Human Development Student Council and the College of Health and Human Development by providing an organized voice for student issues and concerns. Student Advisory Board members are selected through an application process (application is attached and can also be found in 5 and 10 Henderson and in department offices). The selection tries to ensure that the Student Advisory Board is representative of all the college’s educational programs, as well as important other student characteristics (e.g., racial and ethnic diversity, Penn State campuses, Schreyer Honors students and more). Applications are due Sept. 14 by noon and students selected for the SAB will be notified by Sept 17. The first monthly meeting of the SAB is Sept 24 at 6 pm.
  • The College of Health and Human Development is seeking student volunteers to be members of our Academic Standards Committee. Students serve with faculty as hearing board members in cases of grade disputes, academic integrity violations, and related academic issues. Student volunteers must be available for a training on September 26th; 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in 304 Health and Human Development Building. Interested students should send an email to Heather Zimmerman at hdh3@psu.edu. 
  • HHD Healthy Start: “Early Adversity and Intervention: Effects Over Time”, The 2018 Child Study Center’s Lois Bloom Lecture By Mary Dozier, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Unidel Amy Elizabeth du Pont Chair in Child Development, Director of Clinical Training, University of Delaware
    • Dr. Dozier will consider the effects of different types of early adversity on children’s functioning, and factors that affect children’s ability to recover behaviorally and biologically following adversity. The types of adversity considered will include parental neglect, maternal opioid dependence, foster care, and orphanage care. An intervention, Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC), has been developed and adapted for parents of young children who have experienced these various forms of adversity.  Recent findings from our randomized clinical studies will be presented, highlighting brain and behavioral outcomes from middle childhood. Thursday, September 20, 2018 4:15 p.m., Nittany Lion Inn, Assembly Room (open to students and public)
  • HHD students trying to arrange a Meeting with your Assigned Academic Adviser: You can view their availability and schedule an appointment through their Starfish calendar (login here: http://sites.psu.edu/starfishinfo/). For directions on how to schedule an advising appointment, please visit http://sites.psu.edu/starfishinfo/user-roles/student-users/
  • The Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State will partner with the College of Health and Human Development and Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders to present “Let’s Dance,” a movement workshop. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, on the lawn of Ford Building. People of all ages are invited to attend the one-hour workshop at the corner of Park Avenue and Allen Road. Participants do not need to register in advance and should wear comfortable clothing. No dancing or singing experience is required. Parking for the workshop is available at the Nittany Parking Deck. For information about the movement workshop, contact Medora Ebersole at 814-863-6752 or mde13@psu.edu.
  • Students interested in research opportunities with faculty can learn more about working with faculty at the Research Opportunities web site. Information on funding for research related travel, grants for research and more is found there. Students can see a list of faculty and projects looking for undergraduates to be involved, searching by college, key word: https://undergradresearch.psu.edu/searchByLocation.cfm.
  • Take a Professor to Lunch (or Coffee or Ice Cream): The HHD Dean’s Office will pay for lunch, coffee, or ice cream for up to five HHD students and one HHD faculty member at any one of the University’s on-campus eating establishments. As one of the most popular colleges at Penn State, we know how hard it can be to get to know your professors in our majors. But, we also know our faculty are wonderful people, and would love the opportunity to get to know you.  The charge card has a set monthly limit, so call early in the month to reserve your place. Each HHD student is eligible to participate once per semester; faculty may participate as often as they are asked! http://hhd.psu.edu/undergraduate-education/take-professor-lunch 
  • Students who need assistance with a class, a paper or other tutoring support can get it for free from Penn State Learning.  Guided Study Groups for challenging classes started Aug 22nd. Tutoring starts Aug. 27.  Visit https://pennstatelearning.psu.edu/ for more info
  • Get your fitness in gear. There are many ways you can choose to get healthy and have fun at Penn State. Learn about classes and opportunities: https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/campusrec/fitwell
  • If you are an undergraduate international student, Penn State’s EPPIC (English for Professional Purposes Intercultural Center) provides a wide array of workshops to help students improve their communication skills.  To learn more about their programs and services visit: http://www.eppic.la.psu.edu/services Upcoming workshops:
    • September 18: Incorporating Sources in Academic Writing: Understanding Plagiarism, 6:30-8:00 pm, 373 Willard
  • All students at Penn State, including HHD students, can seek specialized advising on the health professions at the Health Professions Advising Center. The center provides advising on preparation for medical or PA school, interviewing, personal statements, medical missions, and gap years.  Students considering medical, dental, podiatry, and physician assistant professions must attend a Med Prep or PA Prep group advising session prior to meeting one-on-one with PreHealth Advising. Learn more about their group sessions and advising resources at  http://science.psu.edu/premed/advising Upcoming sessions include:
    • Health Professional School Interviewing Learn about different interview formats and practice your skills Monday, September 17, 5:30-6:45pm in 103 Bank of America Career Services Center
    • Med Prep: First-year and sophomore students exploring medicine, dentistry, and podiatry will be familiarized with the coursework, experiences, and skills these health profession schools require of their applicants. Wednesday, September 19, 6:00-7:00pm in 62 Willard
  • LifeHacks are group workshops to help students manage stress, improve sleep or adjust to college life.  All sessions are open to all Penn State students and no appointment is necessary. Time: 4:00 to 5:00pm Locations: Mondays (402 Student Health Center); Tuesdays: (204/205 Student Health Center). See https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/health-wellness/psychological-counseling/life-hacks-caps for a full schedule. Upcoming LifeHacks:
    • Tuesday 9/18   Easy Does It: Wisdom for Managing Stress
    • Monday 9/24, Adulting 101 
    • Tuesday 9/25, New In Town: Transfer Student Support and Resources
  • Group Counseling Discussion Groups at CAPS: visit https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/health-wellness/psychological-counseling/counseling-services/group-counseling/current-groups to find groups and see meeting dates.
    • Highlighted Group: Anxiety ClinicThese clinics are designed for students who are struggling with various forms of anxiety. Students will learn more about symptoms of anxiety, how anxiety impacts daily functioning, how anxiety works in the body, and learn ways to manage and reduce anxiety. The clinic will also provide an opportunity for students to talk with and receive support from other students who have similar difficulties with anxiety. 3-4 sessions in length.
      • Wednesdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m., Jason Yoder, Clinical Services Provider, Phillipe Kleefield, Extern
      • Thursdays, 10:30-12:00 p.m., Sarah Watson, Clinical Services Provider
  • As part of Penn State’s ongoing commitment to strengthen student financial literacy, Penn State’s Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center supports students through education and training. To learn more about how they can help students, visit financialliteracy.psu.edu.
    • The Penn State Sokolov-Miller Family Financial & Life Skills Center is offering monthly webinars via Zoom throughout the 2018-2019 academic year. The webinars will be held every other Tuesday of every month starting in August, and are from 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Except December). To access any of these free webinars, please use the Zoom link provided below, no registration needed: https://psu.zoom.us/j/3845004052. Next Webinar: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 on Credit Cards
  • Wellness Retreats Health Promotion and Wellness at Penn State will host full day (9 a.m.–4 p.m.) wellness retreats this fall. During the retreats, students will have an opportunity to engage in meditation, yoga, art and mindfulness activities, intuitive eating and more. Students must reserve space in advance by emailing promotinghealth@psu.edu, or by calling 814-863-0461. All retreats are free and lunch will be provided. The retreats will take place on campus in the Intramural Building or Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. Dates include: Saturday, Oct. 20 (must reserve spot by Oct. 12), Saturday, Nov. 10 (must reserve spot by Nov. 2)
  • The Council of Sustainable Leaders unites Penn State student leaders in sustainability. Their Showcases highlight work by Penn State faculty and others who are making a difference in sustainability. Events are on Fridays 12 – 1:30 pm and include lunch for RSVP’d guests. Information on all upcoming showcases can be found here: http://www.pennstatecsl.com/showcases-2018.html. The next Showcase is Monica & Duke Gastiger, SEPTEMBER 14, 2018, HUB 134 RE Farm Cafe: A Farm to Fork Journey Embracing Living System
  • Students can gain leadership skills and grow their resume by serving on a board with the Office of Student Conduct, a unit of Penn State Student Affairs. Students interested in volunteering can learn more at https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/safety-conduct/student-conduct/get-involved-student-conduct
  • The Public Leadership Education Network provides seminars for female college students interested in leadership opportunities in policy fields, including health, advocacy, STEM, global issues, and more. Students can learn more about their seminars at:  https://plen.org/seminars/
  • Award-winning author, accomplished nature photographer and Penn State alumnus Tim Palmer will visit the University Park campus for a series of events on Sept. 12 and 13. 
    • His final talk will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13, in 121 Sparks Building where Palmer will discuss another recent book, “Wild and Scenic Rivers: An American Legacy.”
  • Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Thursday, September 13, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Led by Andrew Belser, Professor of Movement, Voice, and Acting. ADRI Director and certified Feldenkrais Instructor Andy Belser will teach this series of Awareness Through Movement lessons. Each class features a different Feldenkrais exercise or “lesson,” and involves gentle movements, done slowly with minimal effort, while paying attention to your own experience. Registration is required for September 13: https://feldenkrais-atm2.eventbrite.com
  • Are you interested in how the arts connect to health?  The Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities hosts a conference for faculty and students like you.  Learn more about their fall conference and student travel scholarships 
  • Parent and Family Weekend HHD Ice Cream Social, October 20, 11am-1pm, Hintz Family Student Center, 10 Henderson Bldg. Many HHD departments have events, too. See the full schedule of events and register at https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/department-directory/penn-state-parents-program/parents-families-weekend Registration is open now and closes on Sept. 30.
  • The Undergraduate Fellowships Office is THE place to seek help in applying for nationally competitive fellowships and scholarships, and much more.  Learn more about their resources and look at their fellowship/scholarship database to learn more https://ufo.psu.edu/current-students. Upcoming UFO Info Sessions:
    • Info Session: What is Research?: September 17, 2018, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in 307 Hammond. Learn more about what participation in research and creative inquiry looks like in your field. Register to participate remotely via Zoom here:https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4fHQ2q9PRbuJbBye7JoT1w 
    • Info Session: Critical Language Scholarship, September 17, 2018, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm  in 311 Boucke. Learn more about funding for 7 – 10 weeks of intensive study of a critical language in a country where that language is predominantly spoken. Register to participate remotely via Zoom here: https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sMRf35jHRUujioPw2qhCHA 
    • Info Session: DAAD and DAAD RISE, September 18, 2018, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in 219 Hammond. Learn more about funding for study, research, or internship at a German university participating in the German Academic Exchange Service. Register to participate remotely via Zoom here:https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_krXShaKiRnapm5hgLjLStA 
    • Info Session: Is Graduate School Right for Me? September 19, 2018, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in 102 Kern. Learn more about what to expect and receive from a graduate education and whether it’s right for you, including a discussion on the difference between a Master’s and Ph.D. Register to participate remotely via Zoom here: https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XfWNlx3iTHa3Z0_JIDz4Ew
  • Land O’Lakes, Inc. is accepting applications for the Land O’Lakes Global Food Challenge Emerging Leaders for Food Security™ fellowship. In its fourth year, the program expanded to 11 eligible universities across the United States to draw a broad mix of skills and perspectives to agriculture. Students entering their sophomore year for the 2018-19 academic year are eligible to apply. The deadline is Oct. 10. Get started applying here:  http://foodchallenge.landolakesinc.com/about-the-program/eligibility-requirements/
  •  Inc.U Pitch Competition offers $30,000 in investment rewards for student startups: PennTAP (Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program has a grant that assists undergraduate students in their entrepreneurial company startup endeavors. PennTAP sponsors a “shark tank like” pitch competition called “Inc.U” to find the Top 6 Undergraduate student owned companies (undergraduates must own 50% or more of the company) to compete for $30,000+ in investment awards. The Top 6 companies (selected via an initial video pitch competition) – are then given the opportunity to pitch their companies to a distinguished panel of judges during an hour-long Inc.U television show called “The Investment.” (Click HERE for a link to see last season’s show)  The competition is open to all Penn State University undergraduates!  For more info see the video and other information at https://penntap.psu.edu/innovation/incu/ If students have questions or need additional information, contact Tim Kerchinski –  txk128@psu.edu – 814-865-4388.
  • The LGBTQA Student Resource Center offers multiple scholarships to Penn State students who are interested in and have shown a commitment to the Penn State LGBTQ+ community. Each scholarship has specific requirements for eligibility, including financial status, academic standing, and current and future involvement in the LGBTQ+ community on Penn State campuses. Scholarship Applications Open: August 20, 2018 and close December 14. Information at https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/campus-community-diversity/lgbtq-community/find-support-lgbtq-student/lgbtq-scholarships-and-awards
  •  MCAT Scholarships: There are four 100% scholarships for MCAT courses through Kaplan. Both need and merit will be considered by the Prehealth Office and other committee members in the determination of the awards. Scholarships can be used for In Person, Live Online, or Self-Paced courses. The scholarship must be redeemed by December 31, 2018, meaning you need to register for a class by that date. Deadline to apply is September 15, 2018. Awardees will be notified mid-October. To qualify, students should be at least 4th semester standing, and should have completed the majority of their coursework for the MCAT. Info at http://sites.psu.edu/sciadvising/mcat-scholarship/
  • The Morgan Academic Center (MAC) at Penn State is currently hiring tutors for the 2018-19 academic year.  The MAC is specifically seeking candidates from the College of Human Development and Family Studies for HDFS 129, HDFS 229, HDFS 239, and HDFS 249, however students from any major/program are encouraged to apply as other subject areas are also needed.   Tutors are paid hourly based upon status (e.g., undergraduate versus graduate student). This part-time position offers a variety of work options (days/times/hours) which fits nicely around academic schedules and other commitments of Penn State students.  Anyone who is hired this fall is eligible to continue employment as a tutor during future semesters. If interested, please complete an application and upload your cover letter/resume at https://psu.jobs/job/78459.  If you have any questions, feel free to email morgancenter@psu.edu or call 814-865-0407.
College of HHD Research Seminars
  • Friday, September 14: “Lessons from Kidney Nutrition Trials, or “What My Son Told Me About Piano Practice,” Gary Calton, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Calwood Nutritionals, Sykesville, MD,  11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 127 Noll Laboratory; Host: Department of Kinesiology (814-865-7575).
  • Monday, September 17: “How does sleep deprivation cause death,” Dragana Rogulja, PhD, Assistant Professor in Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School; Harvard Sleep Grand Rounds, 12:00 p.m., 116 Biobehavioral Health, Sleep Grand Rounds is available by live stream webcasting.  This can be accessed on any computer using (at this time) Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Firefox via internet URL address: https://bwhedtech.media.partners.org/programs/live/sgr/. Contact Lindsay Master at LMaster@psu.edu.
  • Monday, September 17: “The Penn State Hershey Feeding Program: 20 Years of Research,” Keith E. Williams, PhD, BCBA, Director, Feeding Program, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Professor of Pediatrics, Penn State College of Medicine; Nutritional Sciences Colloquium, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., 005 Health and Human Development Building, Host: Department of Nutritional Sciences.
  • Tuesday, September 18: “Individual Differences in Cardiovascular Risk among Bereaved Individuals”, Kyle Murdock, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State,  12:00 p.m. (NOON), 312 BBH; Contact: Ashley Linden-Carmichael (814-865-7177) or axc547@psu.edu 
  • Wednesday, September 19: “Center for Science and the Schools: Bridging Research & Education in STEM,” Kathleen Hill, PhD, Amanda Smith, M.Ed, Amber Cesare, M.Ed; 12:00 p.m. to 1p.m., Research Quality Assurance Lunchtime Lecture Series,  Zoom available: https://psu.zoom.us/j/649295413;  Co-sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute and College of Medicine.
  • Wednesday, September 19: “Exploring and Diagnosing Dynamical Systems Models,” Sy-Miin Chow, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies. QuantDev Brownbag, 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m., 149 Nursing Sciences Building; Host: QuantDev. 
  • Thursday, September 20: “Statistical methodology for identifying risk factors that mediate genetic effects on opioid misuse,” Anne Buu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Behavior & Biological Sciences, University of Michigan, The Methodology Center Brown Bag Seminar, https://methodology.psu.edu/training/brownbags, 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., The Methodology Center Conference Room, 401 Health and Human Development Building, University Park, PA. Contact: Kate Guastaferro at kmg55@psu.edu.
  • Thursday, September 20: “Worksite Health Promotion, Show me the Money!,” Philip A. Smeltzer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, College of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston,SC, 3:05 p.m. to 4:20 p.m., 101 Ag Science & Industries; Host: Department of Kinesiology (814-865-7575).
  • Friday, September 21: “The Role of Psychosocial Stress on the Cardiovascular System:  Exercise to the Rescue,” Paul D Chantler Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director, Human Performance Laboratory, Director, Masters of Science Graduate program, Co-Director, Clinical & Translational Science PhD Program, WVU – School of Medicine, Division of Exercise Physiology,  Morgantown, WV, 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 127 Noll Laboratory; Host: Department of Kinesiology (814-865-7575).Friday, September 21: “Go Baby Go: Why the Time is Right for Meaningful Rehab Tech,” Cole Galloway, Ph.D., PT, FAPTA, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., 127 Noll Laboratory, hosts: The Center for Movement Science and Technology – Huck Institutes and, The Department of Kinesiology (865-7575).

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