Civic Issues

Looking Back and Looking Forward

I think we have definitely covered a lot of interesting topics of discussions this semester in our collective civic issue blogs. I have to admit that college sports on campus was not actually my first choice of topic, and at first I was a little disappointed with the assignment, but in the end, I am glad that I got the chance to explore more into this and learn more about other perspectives as well.

I think the most interesting thing I learned through this civic issue is how many different things are wrapped up in college sports. We have written about the power of the NCAA, and it is costs and benefits. We have written about how athletics and sports affect the social scene on campus. We have written about the funding and revenue of sports in a university. I think I really did not expect this topic to be so full of different ideas when it was first assigned. In a way, I think this makes it even more interesting looking back over the semester of blogging. College sports on campus might seem on the surface to be a simple issue when compared with some of the other topics like climate change or gender roles. But in fact, there are so many different ways to approach the discussion of college sports, and different people will have totally different ideas and perspectives on these approaches. For many people, college sports are very linked to family or culture, and can be seen as almost sacred. Others might view sports as a distraction from academics or a waste of money from the university. It is very difficult to weigh the pros and cons of sports culture as well. Sports on campus can unite the school and contribute to a feeling of community and school spirit. However, overvaluing sports, or placing athletes and coaches on a pedestal can create huge problems, which we are certainly all too familiar with here at Penn State especially. And there are no right answers to these discussions either.

I think it is really impossible to write out all the good and bad things about college sports on campus. Like most things, there are many negatives and there are many positives. In my opinion, overall I think sports on campus are a positive addition to a university. I think the school spirit that sports foster is extremely important. I think sports can help a college go from being a collection of students to a real community. However, I think there are still many problems with college sports on campus. While I do feel that overall the pros outweigh the cons, I think it is important to pay just as much attention to the negative sides of sports on campus. This balance is definitely not something that is usually looked at, especially when it comes to college sports. I think a lot of time, the media can only paint the positives, but I think we need to remember that there are many negative sides to college sports as well. This is definitely something we have talked a lot about through our blogs this semester, and it has made me realize how complex this issue is.

As I continue with my time here at Penn State, I am sure I will continue to see the issue of college sports all around campus, and I will definitely be more aware of the different perspectives that influence how sports affect college life. Especially as a student athlete, sports will certainly continue to be a big part of my life, so I am sure there will be a lot to think about these next few years and beyond as well. I am sure that there will be many changes to the world of college sports in the future, and it will be interesting to look back on these discussions as changes unfold over time.


Passion Blog


Unfortunately, I have not finished my sweater in time for this last blog post. I am, however, quite close to completing the project, so there is still hope that it will be done before the semester, and hopefully before the weather gets too warm as well! Even though it’s not the finished result, I’ll share the pictures of where the sweater is now.

I finished shaping the shoulders on the front, and stitched together the front and back panels of the sweater.


This leaves the sleeves. Looking at the pattern, I really wasn’t sure how these were added on, but with the help of some YouTube videos, I was able to figure out the technique. I made marks partway down each panel to indicate the bottom of the sleeve. Starting at the marked spot on the front, I picked up stitches from the side row so that my needle was now perpendicular to the front and back of the sweater.


From there, the sleeve is knit like normal.


When the sleeves are complete, the sides of the sweater and the sleeves are stitched together. After this, I just have to finish adding the collar to the neck and then it’s done!

When I started this project, I honestly had no idea how long it would take or how much work it would be. It’s not even that I underestimated the time and thought involved, I just honestly did not have any clue if the project would be easy or hard. I think it has ended up taking much more time than I thought, and despite being a simple sweater, still requiring quite a bit of attention. That being said, I also realized that as intimidating as a sweater might seem, if you read carefully and pay attention to the work (and be sure to look things up or ask for help when needed) it’s in fact very doable. I’ve never carried out a big knitting project like this before. I’ve made dozens of hats and scarves, but nothing so daunting as a sweater, so I am feeling quite pleased with myself, even if the project has been taking so long.

This post was originally intended to be about how I felt once I finally completed the task I set out for myself in my first blog post, and once I was able to swear the sweater that I had made. Of course, I can’t quite say for sure now as the sweater is still in progress, but with the end being so near, I am certainly beginning to anticipate how it will feel to pull the sweater over my shoulders. Every time I pull out my knitting, I can’t help but be a little impressed that I created this growing pile of fabric from balls of yarn. Still, I think this feeling will be at least ten times as gratifying when I have a whole garment that I can actually wear to show for it. Most of all though, knitting this project has really shown me many of the benefits of knitting. It’s been such a great way to unwind after a busy week of school, and it’s also introduced me to new people and friends. And I think this is something I will remember when I am able to wear the sweater. As cheesy as it may sound, I hope that in years to come when I put on the first sweater I ever knitted, I will be transported back to this time in my life and be surrounded by the people here around me now.