
I went to Scotland! Which is very exciting! Yes, I have Scottish ancestry, but more importantly some very cool scientists in the history of geology were Scottish, like my favorite: James Croll. Both his personal backstory and his scientific contributions are inspiring to me. “Croll…


The NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars program consists of an online course about NASA. It also has an on-site component at one of the NASA campuses, where you get to visit the facilities, meet NASA employees, and plan a robotic “mission” with your team. If you…


REUs or Research Experiences for Undergraduates are NSF funded summer programs that give undergrads full-time research experience. It is especially helpful to students at institutions that do not have a graduate school. In 2017 I participated in an REU program for community college students at…

Washington Conservation Corps

The Washington Conservation Corps is an AmeriCorps program with an environmental focus. My group restored a former sand and gravel mine to a county park, removing invasive species and planting native ones! My team also completed a beach cleanup around the San Juan Islands and…


In October of 2018 I spent two weeks in the Bering Sea on the R/V Sikuliaq through the STEMSEAS program. STEMSEAS gives undergraduate students (both in STEM and non-STEM fields) the chance to experience life at sea and participate in oceanographic research during vessel transits….

NE Montana Fieldcourse

This past summer I finished my degree in Earth and Space Science with a Biology emphasis at the University of Washington. The last course I took was Paleontology Field Methods and Research. We worked on lands around Hell Creek State Park and Jordan, MT. The…