Day 4 – Brya and Kyra

On our fourth day in Sweden, we woke up, went shopping in the morning and then caught a ferry to the Archipelago of Gothenburg.

It was a beautiful island to walk around and take in some fantastic views. After we explored there for a few hours we took the ferry back to Gothenburg and half of our group visited a Sushi Buffet called Hot Sushi. It was cool because they served the sushi on a belt that went around the entire restaurant. You got the option to pick from many different types of rolls. Some people said the best part has to be the fortune cookies because who doesn’t like unlimited fortunes? Trying all of the difference sushi was quite the experience. The other half of the group tried a cute little café directly across the street from the hotel which had sandwiches and flatbreads for people to choose from. They also sold drinks to help boost your immune system which was great because some of us are starting to feel a little cold coming on. After lunch, the whole group caught a tram to Central Station and proceeded to our bus terminal for our journey to Jönköping. Once we got to our hotel and checked in a large number of our class went to a local taco restaurant. They offered many great options!

Although we are enjoying the food so far all of the food you could find in America hopefully in the next couple of days we try more Swedish dishes. We all had a great time together and continue getting closer as the days continue!

This entry was posted in May 11, 2019. Bookmark the permalink.

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