Author Archives: bbg5108

Brody and Josh – May 15th

Being the last day in Jonkoping, everyone was sad to leave such a fun and amazing city. We bagan the day by traveling to Husqvarne and getting a tour of the facilities. At first we got a speech on the … Continue reading

Posted in May 15, 2017 | Leave a comment

Brody and Josh – May 18th

Being the last full day of the trip, it was a very bitter sweet feeling waking up and deciding what the final day would consist of. Bitter due to only having limited time left with a very fun and tight-knit … Continue reading

Posted in May 17, 2019 | Leave a comment

Brody and Josh – May 13th

Starting off the day, we again enjoyed a very fulfilling breakfast that had a few more options than our original hotel including Swedish meatballs. When everyone got together we trekked over to Jonkoping University where we initially sat in a … Continue reading

Posted in May 13, 2019 | Leave a comment

Brody and Josh – May 11th

Today was worthwhile considering all of the amazing experiences we were able to go through! First off, we had breakfast at the hotel and got to go over the schedule for the day. Also, due to it being the last … Continue reading

Posted in May 11, 2019 | Leave a comment

Brody and Josh – May 8th

Brody Giblin and Josh Cobler Josh: My arrival to Gothenburg, Sweden finally came after a 12 hour travel day. The first of two flights that I took landed in Munich, Germany. I was very impressed by the flight service provided … Continue reading

Posted in May 8, 2019 | Leave a comment