Some say that lucid dreams are not possible. I for one was a believer in that theory for a long time. The sheer thought of being able to control something that was so fake and unreal really did not click with me until a few years ago when I got my wisdom teeth out. I got very strong painkillers that helped a lot with the pain, but they also had some odd side effects.
One of those effects was that they made you extremely drowsy. I read this and thought to myself “okay, a lot of things make you drowsy, it can’t be that bad.” I took the pain medication and had a nice rest the first time around, but the second time I took the medication, I realized something. I had not actually woken up. My brain was creating a simulation of what waking up would feel like and synthesizing those feelings. It went so far as to wake me up in the dream and give me more medication. I then found out that I could change things in my dream. I could walk around, people could talk to me and I could carry on entire conversations with fake people. It was a really weird feeling.
At first it did not occur to me that maybe my body was still back on the recliner that I was laying on when I fell asleep so I went back and checked. Turns out it was still there, and this is where the dream got really weird. As soon as I realized that, I remember thinking, man, this is really weird. Right as that thought crossed my mind, it must have triggered something, because I woke up. Whether that thought was enough to throw me out of my dream state and back into reality, or if the pain medication had simply worn off, I will never know. But what happened to me I can only classify as a medical induced lucid dream.
It was odd to be able to control things that I knew did not exist, but at the same time it was really invigorating. To this day I have not been able to have another dream like that one, which makes me wonder if it really happened at all or if it was just a dream about a lucid dream.