Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Depression

Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder defined as unwanted or repeated thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors or rituals (compulsions) associated with distress. The compulsions are usually in response to the obsessions that a person has. The rituals they do calms them down and helps them to stop obsessing or thinking about the thing they are obsessing over, well at least for a little. The rituals make them feel better. There are many different kinds of OCD and it effects many people.

Depression is a mood disorder associated with low moods. Depression is the most common psychological disorder that people seek help with. It can come about after a death of a loved one or traumatic event. It can also come about from genetics meaning one can be born with it.

OCD and depression effects me personally because my brother both and his OCD is associated with germs. It is very weird because he’s room is messy and he will leave the house messy but, he will shower at least 5 times a day, he will wash his hands twice for at least a half an hour after he uses the bathroom. He can only use one bathroom, one that he believes is the cleanest and refuses to use public restrooms. Every time before he turns the sink off he has to wash the faucet with soap and water. Also, whenever we would go to a restaurant he would not feel okay unless he  cleaned off the table first. It made him go crazy because he could not stop thinking about it. He ended up also being diagnosed with depression because of his OCD. He showed symptoms of tiredness, loss of interest, and thoughts of suicide. He used to want to take his life because all he could think about was the obsession of germs. After counseling and the use of prescriptions he overcame both OCD and depression, well for the most part. He still washes his hands an excessive amount and some days will be worse than others but he is much better than he used to be.

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