Smile…Scare Saddness Away

Major depressive disorder, more commonly known as depression, is one of hardest mood disorders to undergo. A lot of people underestimate depression and its severity. They make the claim that their one day of sadness is labeled as depression. This may be the case but it is only a mild case. The most commonly diagnosed cases of depression last two weeks or more. A genuine depressive disorder is defined as an extreme and abnormal sadness. They exhibit many different characteristics. The individual cannot even function or go about his/her day properly because of the emotional distress that they are going through. They function very slowly, they show a loss of interest in activities or even things they used to like, they have a loss of interest in friends and family, they feel worthless and as though they have no purpose on this earth.

Depression is diagnosed in many different ways but one of the main methods is the explanatory style. Psychologists use this style to differentiate the difference between the way a normal person would react or think about a situation and the way a depressed person would. For example, a normal person would look at the break up with a significant other as something sad but they would be able to get over it. A depressed individual looks at the break up as something detrimental that they will have a lasting effect on the rest of their lives. I have had people in my past who have undergone deep depression. I remember when my one friend, Sarah, had lost her mother in a car accident back in middle school. She fell into a deep depression that caused her to drop out of school for the remainder of the school year. Before the event, she was known around school as one of the happiest people to roam the hallways. Always smiling, always optimistic; she even won the best smile award at the end of 7th grade. But after the death of her mom, it seemed as though she snapped. It was the saddest thing in the world.

Major depressive disorder really affects people in the harshest of ways. The lasting effects of depression can really leave a mark on a person’s mental. And the thing with this disorder is that it can happen to anyone. As stated above with Sarah, even the happiest people can be struck with this just because of a devastating event. No one is excluded from clutches of depression. But I guess it’s a good thing depression has a really simple cure then. And that cure is love.

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