My OCD Life.

What is it like to just uncontrollably have urges, urges that are unrelenting and never ending? That is what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is like. OCD is able to be identified as obsessive thoughts that create anxiety and compulsions such as number counting, the famous hand washing, and organizing things whichas rituals to help relieve the anxiety. There are two different types of OCD which are primarily obsessive and and normal OCD. Normal OCD is described like it was previously while primarily-O is mostly pure obsessive thoughts creating anxiety about doing something very unlike the person, even violent. OCD is also associated a lot with Tourette’s Syndrome, ADD, as well as Autism. Usually if you have one of these disorders, you will have one of the others. This is a disorder that I personally have myself and deal with as well as many other people.

A look into my life with OCD is interesting. Due to this class and researching more, i realized that i primarily have a case of Prime-O case of OCD. Before in my life i went through therapy in order to try to train myself not to let my obsessive thoughts have such a great effect on me. For me, I have a combination of Tourettes and OCD. These two feed off of each other. The anxiety that my OCD creates sets of my Tourettes and causes my tics to come out more. My Tourettes would not be as bad due to when concentrated, the tics subside. However, with the recurring thoughts also becoming an obsession and creating anxiety for me, it is hard to focus. I still do have compulsions but not many. My biggest compulsion is checking  doors to make sure they are locked. I also organize objects in certain patterns that I see fit. I also tend to place certain objects in certain places and constantly check to make sure they are in their right place. It is rough but the only way to stop this is trying to preoccupy yourself in some way.

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