During this unit, we talked a lot about mental disorders, what they are, and how they are diagnosed. We learned that there are around 400 mental illnesses and that there are specific definitions and classifications for each to help determine which disorder they should be classified as having. When we talked about this, part of the lecture was talking about how mental disorders are sometimes used as excuses or as a defense mechanism for a criminal. Saying that they had a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, or other mood disorders is attempt to make what they did seem less awful because some of these disorders don’t allow you to feel anything or make it hard for you to determine right from wrong in normal social situations.
The day after the class when we talked about mental disorders and depression possibly being the reason that criminals commit crimes or why tragic events such as shootings occur, I was at the gym and saw updates about the Fort Hood shooting come up on the news channel. They were talking about how they were investigating whether or not the shooter, Ivan Lopez, had ever been tested or treated for any mental disorders. They were skeptical that this shooting spree was caused by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or not, but after some investigation, they decided against this being an option because he was only in Iraq on a four-month tour. They did say that Lopez had been treated for a couple mental issues including depression. It is very difficult for them to conclude whether or not these mental issues were what drove Lopez to do this awful thing. It is always challenging to determine if an illness is what drives the people to do what they do. There have unfortunately been many similar events to this shooting and it’s always difficult to determine what lead the shooters to go through with this. It’s difficult because labeling a person with a mental disorder is not an easy task, especially if they shot themselves after the shooting or if there was no prior treatment or signs of any illness.