ISA GBM and Election Report

Dear Friends and Iranians of the Happy Valley,

We would like to announce the results of the election for ISA 2020-21 board, held on April 18th.
The meeting was held with the participation of 29 of our active members and dear friends and the advisor of the club on last Saturday. The election results are:

President: Mohammad Shahhosseini
Vice President (I): Shahrad Shakerian
Vice President (II): Elham Hajesmaeili
Secretary: Fahime Farhadi
Treasurer: Soheil Khadirsharbiyani

The Board of Spring 2020 congratulates the elected officers and wish them a great experience in the upcoming year! As told, the office will be given to these friends on August. All questions, suggestions, and inquiries regarding ISA are welcome via email to

ISA Board

General Body Meeting and Election for 2020-21 Board [Reminder]

Dear Friends and Iranians of the Happy Valley

This is to remind, this Saturday, April 18th at noon, we will have a virtual meeting to chat and elect the officers for the next year, 2020-2021.
According to the constitution of ISA, the current board of officers will retire in August and we must elect our next board to pass the transition period.

If you are interested in running for the office of ISA, please read the positions’ responsibilities in the ISA constitution and sign up here. Please note, without candidates for each of the positions, the election cannot be held, so please let everyone know about your candidacy no later than Friday, 17th, midnight. Only active members can vote and be nominated. Here, you can see the candidates.

Regarding the social distancing, the meeting will be held via ZOOM and election will be held by an anonymous online form, we will give access to the form to active members within the meeting.

Please feel free to contact us via email ( if you require any further information.

ISA Board 2020