A year has passed, and the current board of officers is almost done. It’s time for the renewal of the team and ideas. We are looking forward to our next General Body Meeting on Sunday, April 25th, 2021 at noon.
In the upcoming meeting, we will update you with the works we’ve done over the past year, and we will have an election for the new board of officers for the next academic year, 2021-2022.

Zoom link: psu.zoom.us/j/99712291233
Sunday, April 25th, 2021 at 12:00 PM (EST)
If you are interested in running for the office of ISA, please read the positions’ responsibilities in the ISA constitution and sign up here.
Please note, without candidates for three major positions (President, Treasurer, and Secretary), the election cannot be held, so please make sure to read the constitution and put your name on this form. You also can view the list of candidates.
Based on our constitution, only active members can vote and be nominated.
The meeting will be held via ZOOM, and the election will be held by using an anonymous online form, which we will provide during the meeting.
Feel free to or reach out to any current officers if you require any further information.