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Food Waste
Scharadin, B., Y. Yu, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2021. “Household Time Activities, Food Waste, and Diet Quality: The Impact of Non-Marginal Time Changes Due to COVID-19.” Review of the Economics of the Household. 19, 399–428. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11150-021-09555.
Yu, Yang, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2021. “Progress and Challenges in Empirical Food Waste Research”–Authors’ Response to Comment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103: 26-29.
Yu, Y., and E.C, Jaenicke. 2020. ‘The Effect of Sell-by Dates on Purchase Volume and Food Waste.’ Food Policy, 101879. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101879.
Yu, Y., & Jaenicke, E. C. 2020. Estimating food waste as household production inefficiency. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(2), 525-547. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajae.12036.
Food and Health, Food Environment, Food Access
Feng, J., Fan, L., & Jaenicke, E. C. 2024. “The distributional impact of SNAP on dietary quality.” Agricultural Economics, 55, 104–139. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12808
Vecchi, M., E.C. Jaenicke, and C. Schmidt. 2022. “Local Food in Times of Crisis: the Impact of COVID-19 and Two Reinforcing Primes.” Agribusiness 38, no. 4: 850-873. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21754
Zhang, B., D.H. Wrenn, J. Joshi, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2022. “Housing Wealth, Food Spending, and Diet Quality: Evidence from Panel Data. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 51(3), 517-541. https://doi.org/10.1017/age.2022.12
Scharadin, B., Y. Yu, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2021. “Household Time Activities, Food Waste, and Diet Quality: The Impact of Non-Marginal Time Changes Due to COVID-19.” Review of the Economics of the Household. Forthcoming.
Arora, R., D. Brent, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2020. “Is India Ready for Alt-Meat? Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Meat Alternatives in India.” Sustainability. 12(11): 4377. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114377
Yu, Y., and E.C, Jaenicke. 2020. ‘The Effect of Sell-by Dates on Purchase Volume and Food Waste.’ Food Policy, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101879.
Scharadin, B. and E.C. Jaenicke. 2020. “Time Spent on Childcare and the Household Eating Index.” Review of the Economics of the Household. Forthcoming.
Yu, Y., and E.C, Jaenicke. 2019. “Estimating Food Waste as Household Production Inefficiency.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming. (For an earlier version, see this working paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3257535)
Chen, X., Liu, Y., Jaenicke, E. C., & Rabinowitz, A. N. 2019. New Concerns on Caffeine Consumption and The Impact of Potential Regulations: The Case of Energy Drinks. Food Policy. Forthcoming.
Chenarides, L, and E.C. Jaenicke. 2018 “Documenting the Link between Poor Food Access and Less Healthy Product Assortment across the U.S.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppx033
Chen, D., E.C. Jaenicke, and R.J. Volpe. 2018. “The Healthfulness of Food-at-Home Expenditures, the Local Food Environment, and Childhood Obesity.” American Journal of Health Promotion. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117118786871
Li, J., E.C Jaenicke, T.D. Anekwe, and A. Bonanno. 2018. “Demand for ready‐to‐eat cereals with household‐level censored purchase data and nutrition label information: A distance metric approach.” Forthcoming, at Agribusiness: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.2156.
Volpe, R., E.C. Jaenicke, and L. Chenarides. “Store Formats, Market Structure, and Consumers’ Food Shopping Decisions.” Status: In press at Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppx033.
Chen, Danhong, Edward C. Jaenicke, and Richard J. Volpe. 2016. “Food Environments and Obesity: Household Diet Expenditure Versus Food Deserts.” American Journal of Public Health, 106 (5): 881-888. Link: Chen Jaenicke and Volpe 2016 AJPH.
Wrenn, D.H, H.A. Klaiber, and , E.C. Jaenicke. (December) 2016. “Unconventional Shale Gas Development, Risk Perceptions, and Averting Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Purchases.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, . Link: wrenn-klaiber-jaenicke-jaere-dec-2016
Organic Agriculture: Hotspots, Trade, Retailing, Etc.
Chen, D., Jaenicke, E. C., Yan, J., Tian, K., & Nayga, R. M.. 2021. “Price Promotion of Organic Foods and Consumer Demand.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170521000399
Demko, I., and E.C. Jaenicke. 2018. “Impact of European Union–U.S. Organic Equivalency Arrangement on U.S. Exports.” Status: Advance Access at Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppx048.
Marasteanu, I. J., and E.C. Jaenicke. 2018. Economic impact of organic agriculture hotspots in the United States. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170518000066.
I.J. Marasteanu and E.C. Jaenicke. 2016. “The Role of US Organic Certifiers in Organic Hotspot Formation.”Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 31(3): 230-245.Link: Marasteanu and Jaenicke 2015 RAFS
I.J. Marasteanu and E.C. Jaenicke. 2016. “Hotspots and Spatial Autocorrelation in Certified Organic Operations in the United States.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 45 (3): 485–521.
Carlson, A. and E.C. Jaenicke. “Changes in Retail Organic Price Premiums from 2004 to 2010.” USDA Economic Research Report No. (ERR-209) 44 pp, May 2016.Link: Carlson and Jaenicke May 2016 USDA-ERS
Jaenicke, E. C., and A. Carlson. 2015. “Estimating and Investigating Organic Premiums for Retail-Level Food Products.” Agribusiness: an International Journal, 31 (4): 453–471. Link: Jaenicke_et_al-2015-Agribusiness Recipient of Agribusiness’s Outstanding Article Award.
Marasteanu, I.J., E.C. Jaenicke, and C. Dimitri. “Slotting Fees for Organic Retail Products: Evidence from a Survey of U.S. Food Retailers.” The Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 26 (July 2014):28–48.
Oberholtzer, L., E.C. Jaenicke, and C. Dimitri. “Examining U.S. Food Retailers’ Decisions to Procure Local and Organic Produce from Farmer Direct-to-Retail Supply Chains.” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 20 (Issue 4) (December 2014).
Oberholtzer, L., C. Dimitri., and E. C. Jaenicke. “International trade of organic food: Evidence of US Imports,” Renewable Agricultural and Food Systems 28 (2013): 255–262. Link.
Jaenicke, E.C., C. Dimitri, and L. Oberholtzer. “Retailer Decisions about Organic Imports and Organic Private Labels.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93 (2011): 597 -603. Link.
Retail Competition and Other Projects
Meng, X., and E.C. Jaenicke. 2021. “Welfare Analysis of Introducing Private Label Packaged Salads into the U.S. Market.” Agribusiness, forthcoming. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/agr.21692
Meng, X., and E.C. Jaenicke. 2020. “Price Competition and Private Labels in the U.S. Packaged Salad Market.” Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2020.1827132
Bauner, C., E.C. Jaenicke, E. Wang, and P-C. Wu. 2018. “Couponing Strategies in Competition Between a National Brand and a Private Label Product.” Journal of Retailing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2018.11.002 Media Coverage: Chicago Booth Review, April 16, 2019.
Li, J. E.C. Jaenicke, T. Anekwe, A. Bonanno. 2018. “Demand for Ready‐to‐eat cereals with Household‐level censored purchase data and nutrition label information: A distance metric approach.” Agribusiness; 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21561
Li, J., and E.C. Jaenicke. “Quantifying the Welfare Eect of Changing Healthy Attributes in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Market.” Working paper, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education, Penn State University, 2016. 28 pages
Wrenn, D.H., T.W. Kelsey, and E.C. Jaenicke. “Local and Non-local Employment Impacts Associated with Marcellus Shale Development in Pennsylvania.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 42 (August 2015): 1-19.
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