Intro to passion blog

For my passion blog I am going to be writing about going to fitness classes and giving my thoughts on them. First off a little about me and my background with fitness. I am not going into this completely blind; I have always been athletic (soccer, skiing, basketball, track) so exercise has always been a part of my daily life. Coming to college I didn’t think I was going to join an organized sports team so I needed to find a way to work get a consistent workout. A disclaimer, although I do love fitness I have never been involved in group fitness classes (other than the occasional spin class with my friends) so this is pretty new territory for me.

I am most excited about trying the yoga, kick boxing, and barre fit because that’s what all the cool people I follow on Instagram from NYC seem to be obsessed with. Looking for a class reminded me yet again why I shouldn’t have picked to live in East, they offer much fewer classes at the IM building than the White Building and no surprise the White Building, like everything from East, is about a 15 minute walk. Magically I found a barre class that started right after my last class of the day. What I knew about barre was very limited other than Kendall Jenner and her squad do it, so I decided it was time for a good old google. What came up was a mix between Pilates, yoga, and ballet. First two I can work with, but I took ballet for probably two months before realizing why I was much better at soccer.

I’ll go more into what we did at the class and what I thought next week but for now I’ll tell you a plié feels a lot like a squat and stairs make my legs feel like cinder blocks.

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