First thing to go

My passion blog is going to be a little different this week. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my blog, I typically write about a fitness class I went to that week and my view of it. This week I wasn’t able to get to a class. My fitness routine (and regular routine) has suffered lately. I have been unbelievably busy with exams, homework, projects, clubs, sorority obligations, sleeping, and being sick. It’s been a difficult week for me because I am a creature of routine and I tend to plan (and over plan) my schedule. I know exactly when I will be doing my homework, having meetings, and going to the gym every day because I write it down in my calendar. This week however, I was unable to stick to my usually plans and had to adapt. I couldn’t go to a single class, something I am usually able to find time for. I was barely able to make it to the gym (I think I went twice). For someone who is used to working out every day, not making it to the gym is something that makes my day feel very incomplete. I think coming to college I expected to have much more free time. Less time is spent in the classroom, but in reality I am feeling busier than I ever have. The workload is higher, I have countless organizations many of which have meetings a can’t even make it to regularly because they overlap with other meetings, and I am getting about 5 hours of sleep a night. I know most people are in the same boat. The transition is much different than expected. The first thing to go for me was exercise, as I’m sure it is for many others, because it seems to be the least necessary. Hopefully things start to settle down and I can learn to establish a new routine.

2 thoughts on “First thing to go”

  1. At one point during my excursion at a local club, we spoke of our ‘roses and thorns’. Roses were things during the day that were desirable; thorns, not so much. In nearly every person asked, however, the thorns seemed to overcome the roses. They had a test to study for, or an email to write, or a chore to do, before they could enjoy themselves or do as they pleased. And the leader made an interesting observation: over time, the thorns become one’s entire life. The obligations we do before fun grow, and grow, and grow, until they are all that remains. Such is part of being an adult. Fight or no, is inevitable, as seen in your case, where emptiness is developing.

  2. I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well!! It’s really hard adjusting to a new schedule and environment, and this is something I’ve really struggled with as well. Some weeks are more difficult than others, and I find that I get through those weeks by meticulously planning out my time in my planner and sticking to that schedule!

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