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Recent Working Papers

“Firm-Level Export Dynamics: A Brief Survey”

“Automation, Offshoring, and the  Job Ladder,” co-authored with Nezih Guner and Alessandro Ruggieri (slides)

Two-sided Search in International Markets,” co-authored with Jonathan Eaton, David Jinkins, and Daniel Xu. (Revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy.)

A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics,” NBER Working Paper 29100, co-authored with Jonathan Eaton, Marcela Eslava, David Jinkins, and C.J. Krizan.

Are Customs Records Consistent Across Countries? Evidence from the U.S. and Colombia,” Center for Economic Studies Working Paper CES 20-11, co-authored with C.J. Krizan, Zi Wang, and Yingyan Zhou.

Work in Progress

“The Price of Globalization: Unemployment Spells and Risk Aversion in an Open Economy,” co-authored with Nezih Guner, Eugenio Renedo, and ALessandro Ruggieri (slides)

“Retail Globalization, Households’ Diet and the E ffectiveness of Sin-Food Taxes,” co-authored with Emilio Gutierrez, Beata Javorick, Wolfgang Keller, Ricardo Miranda, and Kensuke Teshima

Publications (since 2000)

Search and Learning in Export Markets: Evidence from Interviews with Colombian Exporters,”  co-authored with Juan Camilo Domínguez, Jonathan Eaton, and Marcela Eslava.  Review of International Economics, August 2023

Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy ,” co-authored with Kerem Cosar and Nezih Guner,  American Economic Review,  March 2016. Previous version appeared as NBER working paper 16326.  On-line appendices.

“Credit Rationing, Risk Aversion and Industrial Evolution in Developing Countries,” co-authored with Rick Bond and Hale Utar, International Economic Review, August 2015. Previous version appeared as NBER working paper 14116.

The WalMart Invasion and Industrial Responses in Mexico,” co-authored with Leo Iacovone, Beata Javorcik, and Wolfgang Keller,  Journal of International Economics, January 2015.  Previous version appeared as NBER working paper 17204.

Openness and Industrial Response in a Wal-Mart World: A Case Study of Mexican Soaps, Detergents and Surfactant Producers,”  co-authored with Beata Javorcik and Wolfgang Keller. World Economy, December 2008. Previous version appeared as NBER working paper 12457.

Firm-Level Productivity Studies: Illusions and a Solution,” co-authored with Hajime Katayama and Shihua Lu. International Journal of Industrial Organization, May 2009. Previous version appeared as NBER Working Paper No. 9617.

The Margins of Entry into Export Markets: Evidence from Colombia,” (figures and tables) co-authored with Jonathan Eaton, Marcela Eslava and Maurice Kugler, in Elhanan Helpman, Dalia Marin, and Thiery Verdier, eds., The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. Previous version appeared as NBER working paper 13531.

Market Entry Costs, Producer Heterogeneity and Export Dynamics,” co-authored with Mita Das and Mark Roberts, in Econometrica, May, 2007. Previous version appeared as NBER Working Paper 8629

“Product Quality, Productive Efficiency, and International Technology Diffusion,” co-authored with Aart Kraay and Isidro Soloaga, in Bernard Hoekman and Beata Smarzynska Javorcik, eds., Global Integration and Technology Transfer. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank and Palgrave McMillan, 2006.

Trade Policy and Industrial Sector Responses: Using Evolutionary Models to Interpret the Evidence,” with Erkan Erdem, in Susan Collins and Dani Rodrik, eds., Brookings Trade Forum 2003 Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 2004. Previous version appeared as NBER Working Paper No. 9947.

“Plant- and Firm-level Evidence on the ‘New’ Trade Theories” in E. Kwan Choi and James Harrigan, ed., Handbook of International Trade, Oxford: Basil-Blackwell, 2003. Previous version appeared as NBER Working Paper No. 8418.

“A Firm’s-Eye View of Commercial Policy and Fiscal Reforms in Cameroon” with Bernard Gauthier and Isidro Soloaga in World Bank Economic Review,  December 2002.

“Manufacturing Firms in Developing Countries: How Well do They do and Why?” in Journal of Economic Literature, March 2000.

“Does Promoting High Tech Products Spur Development?” with Julie Hunt, appeared as “Es la promoción de industrias de alta tecnología un motor para el desarrollo?” with Julie Hunt, in Competitividad de las Exportaciones en Colombia, Bogota: Tercer Mundo, 2000.