PAS7 The Dining Commons, Binge-Watching, and Cheap Dates

Dating in college. Romance in the college years is an interesting beast. Colleges are often bashed as having a “hook-up culture”, implying that courtship and romance are a thing of the past, scarce to be found on a modern day campus. However, one merely needs to observe the number of couples holding hands, cuddling on benches, or doing other obviously “coupley” activities to realize that dating is all but dead. Despite what people say, it is my experience and observation that college students are extremely active in the dating scene… perhaps more active that most any other age group. In this post, I intend to examine some amusing trends I have observed in my freshman peers’ dating habits.

Dining CommonsThe dining commons. One might wonder, what does this have to do with dating? As a freshman, EVERYTHING. Nothing is more chivalrous and romantic than paying for your date’s four dollar buffet entrance fee, using your ID card meal plan paid for by your parents. If I was a female, I’m sure this gesture would win me over in an instant. In all seriousness, I do find it interesting how many couples are always present in the dining commons. The irony of spending parents money on cheap food aside, being able to go to lunch/dinner many nights a week with one’s significant other does actually sound pretty nice. Maybe the food is not the best, but few are the students in college who can afford to wine and dine their romantic interest all the time. On the issue of dining as a couple in the dining commons, I must conclude that I am torn. I would certainly prefer to be able to go somewhere a little more classy, but I have also never before been in a position to be able to see a girlfriend close to every day for dinner (this would have seemed quite a strange idea in high school). In the end, I suppose spending time together wins out over the pitiful image of going on a date to a university dining commons.

NetflixIn my title, I also mention binge-watching, referring to the practice of streaming many episodes of a TV series all in a row. Again, one may wonder what this has to do with college dating. My answer is that I hypothesize this is a common date activity for poor college students who want to spend time together. For underclassman students without access to a vehicle, the number of date activities within a walking distance can be limited by money, creativity, and interest. Binge-watching television shows seems a natural alternative. Like with the idea of going to dinner at the dining commons, I find myself with mixed feelings about the idea of watching television as a date. On the surface, it seems a somewhat strange way to spend time with another person. Yet, I also expect it is a highly effective way to create a shared experience between two people. Who knows how many inside jokes will be formed, ideas and laughter shared during the course of watching a TV series. In addition, it is a good excuse to spend some time together in someone’s room, which few college student’s likely have objection to.

College is a time for creativity. The dating scene is not dead, although it may not exactly resemble that found in any other environment. Given the limited resources and time available to college students, they are not doing a bad job of finding ways to spend time together by making normal routine behaviors into romantic opportunities.

RCL5 Salvation, Creation, Prophecy, and the Worst Website EVER

There exist very many strange, arguably crazy religious organizations. The online group Constellation Seven, however, has taken the art of promoting eccentric beliefs and ideas to the next level. Entirely aside from their questionable philosophy, Constellation Seven’s website ( is more likely than not the most poorly designed website on the internet. With a neon color scheme reminiscent of a hippi rainbow gathering, a constantly adapting (colorful) menu on the side of the screen, and barely legible text, the site automatically plays a traditional hymn in the background before proceeding to stream Christian rock radio.


I find words altogether insufficient to describe the magnitude of the fail that is this websites design, and can only recommend that you check it out for yourself before reading the rest of this blog… it is worth it, but please refrain from clicking the link if you are epileptic as the site is likely enough to trigger seizures in those with no medical history of such problems. For being such a poorly designed webiste, Constellation Seven is a suspiciously large and content-rich site. This fact initially made me suspicious that the entire site is some manner of wild joke, but I have been unable to find any evidence to support my suspicion. Let us examine some of the the thousands of problems with this website.

1) While all statements on this site appear to be backed up, none of the supporting documents or linked sites stand to scrutiny as valid sources (in fact, many of the sites linked to appear to be made by the same authors – just look out for the psychedelic color scheme and obnoxious auto-playing music). In fact, youtube videos of fringe ministers, meaningless animations, and personal testimony are the most common “evidence” for statements made. The only evidence which I was unable to discredit beyond much doubt in a few minutes of research is a book cited multiple times on the site, called “Vision for Utopia.” It turns out that this book is written by one of the authors of the site, and much of the site is devoted to subtly (and occasionally obviously) promoting this book. CrossSite

2) It is unclear what the mission of the site is, or how any donations would be used. The inexplicable homepage of the site is a constellation (see what I did there) of disconnected bible quotes, advertisements, plugins, and GIFs.  About halfway down the page begins a list of statements which might amount to some sort of purpose for the website. I have quoted some below (original capitalization preserved): “We are dedicated to revealing The Full Truth of God as recorded for all time in The Most Holy Bible.” “Also, undeniable evidence of Creation, as opposed to evolution, is presented in a way that leaves no room for argument, aside from blind, ignorant, refusal to Believe.” “Some True Spiritual anecdotes, comprising personal Testimony, are also documented, to confirm spectacular Contact by God. Some of these Testimonies are nothing less than Supernatural in nature.”

3) How does one become involved in this cause, and what does that involvement even entail? After reading the entire website several times ( and sleeping off several resulting headaches), I am unable to answer that basic question. The closest the site comes is an offer to become a “Musician, Prayer Warrior, Healer, Preacher, Evangelist, Teacher or Gospel Helper” at a church in Hong Kong.

Salvation After careful analysis of the site, I have concluded that either it is a very well done joke, or an unbelievable poorly done promotion for some manner of Christian cult on the Hong Kong Gold Coast. I cannot imagine anyone taking the site seriously, although given the success of other strange cults throughout history I suppose it is not impossible that some contingent of followers exists. This group could seriously use some web design help, though. With that Christian Music playing in the background, I can’t even hear their embedded video in which Benny Hinn is “curing” a man’s deafness.  

PAS6 Niche Clubs and Hobbies

College is a time for self-discovery and exploration since it brings young people just emerging from their parents home into the real world into contact with ideas and behaviors they have never seen before. College students may be seen as a single group by the public at large, but they represent an incredibly diverse group of people from all walks of life, possessing a great variety of interests and talents. I propose that it is this diversity which is responsible for the great prevalence and success of niche groups and communities on college campuses.

Penn State, as my school, is the most likely source of evidence I can draw on to support my claim. With around 1,000 student run clubs and organizations, there truly seems to be a group for every imaginable activity. From clubs dedicated to community service, to sports teams, to the board game club and the video game club, there is no limit to the students ability to support clubs of all varieties. In this post, I would like to bring attention to some of the less well-known, yet nonetheless quite intriguing, clubs on campus.

3D printer

3D Printing Club– Yes, Penn State has a club dedicated to promoting the art and science of 3D printing. In addition to training members in the operation (and construction) of 3D printers, this club provides a service to the University Community by printing parts by request, for a small fee. The club is said to have access to several dozen 3D printers, most of which they have constructed. They have, quite ingeniously, figured out how to use 3D printing to produce the required parts for building more 3D printers. This club is certainly one of the most unique and interesting clubs I have ever heard of.

Clown nose club

Clown Nose Club– A somewhat recognizable club around campus (although not necessarily universally recognized by the students), this club promotes spreading happiness through positive social risks. They wear red clown noses to help break down social barriers, and make people more comfortable engaging them in conversation. I have witnessed members of this club show up at OTHER clubs meetings to appreciate the club, have seen them hanging positive, uplifting messages on walls, and even recall  a day when they were “ambushing” people passing by the HUB with a giant group of clowns throwing compliments at people. While seemingly odd on the surface, I think this club is pretty cool.

Comic Book Club– A prime example of a type of club which might only be found on a college campus, this club promotes, well, comic books. I have never attended a meeting, so all of my information is second-hand, but I have heard that this club discusses and shares comics at their meetings, as well as plays card games such as “Magic.” Indeed, there is a comic book store in downtown state college, which I imagine is somehow involved with the comic book club. I have visited this store, and was overwhelmed by the number of available comics and related merchandise. While never a big comic buff myself, I can appreciate how strong of an interest this must be for some college students to support such a business.

Penn State, and colleges in general, are full of amazing and interesting clubs. Here I have described only three clubs, but they are simply the tip of the iceberg of clubs available at Penn State. For a full list of clubs available at all Penn State campuses, be sure to visit Perhaps you will be surprised to find your favorite hobby already has a club available to join on campus!

RCL4 The Argument for Sleep

As I write this post, the hour is already past midnight. I have a 9:00 a.m. class tomorrow, and I will no doubt be a zombie-like creature for most of its duration. Why do I continue to stay up, with the full knowledge that I will suffer for it tomorrow? Perhaps I am not aware of the benefits of sleep (or the problems that can arise from getting too little?) or I have a large assignment which needs completion? Neither is the case. So why do I, a person fully aware of the damage I am doing to my alertness, mood, and indeed my circadian rhythm, persist in staying awake into the early hours of the night? That is a good question…


I intend to create a website to provide enticing reasons for a sleep-deprived population to increase the amount of sleep which they get, and to provide information about the benefits of sleep. Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is truly a modern problem. Certainly, sleep disorders such as insomnia have likely existed for all of human history, but never has the epidemic lack of sleep affected so many people as strongly as it does today.

Sleeping has a plethora of known health benefits. It increases concentration, metabolism, increases memory retention, strengthens the immune system, and boosts a person’s feeling of alertness. While some might argue that too much sleep takes away from productive time, many highly successful people have a regular sleep schedule, and swear by it. Getting an adequate amount of sleep actually increases productivity so much in the time in which we are awake, that it is beneficial to our overall productivity to sleep.

The goal of my project will be to raise awareness of the issue of sleep deprivation which is occurring throughout the world, and ALSO to encourage people to take action by increasing the amount of sleep which they get, and designating a set “bedtime” beyond which they will not stay up without a very good reason. As a chronically sleep deprived college student myself, I will attempt to heed my own advice, and get on a more reasonable (and regular) schedule. Having attempted such a sleep schedule before, I can attest to the increase in energy and productivity which is possible through getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Hopefully, even if people are unable to stick to their sleep schedule, if they experiment for a while, some might become committed to increasing the amount of sleep which they get.

Creating a website dedicated to the purpose of promoting sleep seems appropriate, as this source is easily accessible by many people throughout the world, is easily shared, and is a medium which allows for the creation of a compelling message. Current websites which encourage sleep mostly take the form of lists of medical facts, and are sponsored by public organizations dedicated to health. I intend to create a site which is not a resource for learning or public education, but has the best chance of reaching and affecting the most people possible. While it may seem far-fetched for a website advocating sleep to “go-viral”, I believe that such a page which would is hypothetically possible… I will attempt to create this hypothetical page.

Now that it is sufficiently late (or early, I suppose… it is approaching 3:30 a.m.), I need to heed my own advice and get some rest!

RCL3 Belief in Science

The media’s portrayal of the relationship between science and religion is that of two polar opposite, entirely incompatible ideologies. Having had significant experience and interest in both science and religion throughout my lifetime, I have come to see things differently. In many ways, I find science and religion to be more similar than different. I believe that the same need for faith, spiritual fulfillment, and hope which draws people to religion is the same motivation for people to pursue science. After much thought, I am convinced that the same basic human needs which are quelled by religion can be satisfied through science. This is why the topic for my persuasive composition is to advocate the recognition of science as a system of belief. While I will not discuss policy changes related to this issue (e.g. whether organizations dedicated to science should gain status as religious institutions), I do intend to persuasively present the argument that people should view science as a fully realized system of belief capable of meeting many of their needs for which they traditionally turn to religion.


Religions have been around for a very long time, perhaps for all or most of human history. So, too, has scientific thought. Historically, people have turned to religion for explanations of phenomenon unknown, moral guidance, and hope for the future. Formal scientific thought was limited by many factors, including the capacity to allocate enough human resources to pure science, when feeding the population through agriculture was enough of a challenge. In the last several hundred years, however, science has reached unprecedented levels of understanding. The pursuit of scientific knowledge has become a major human endeavor, and has been met with amazing success. Science can now offer explanations for many of the same phenomenon religion has previously attempted to explain. As our scientific understanding continues to expand, all subjects of religious interest have attracted scientific interest as well.

Most successful religions have a familiar set of questions which they attempt to address. Where do we come from? Why are we here? What is the future of society and the world? And what is our ultimate fate, as mortal beings on this planet? While such questions have previously seemed well outside the scope of scientific thought, our expanding knowledge of the laws of the universe has allowed for convincing scientific theories to emerge which address these questions. Science has an origin theory: It is the big bang. Science explains the existence of the stars, and the Earth, in what I see as a more convincing way than any religion has ever succeeded in doing so. Science tries to explain the question, why are we here? The theory of evolution, and the progression of life from “primordial soup” to the modern day human, serve as explanations of how we are here. Like all good belief systems, science has a theory about how the world will end… that is, the Earth will eventually run out of resources to support life (or end due to global warming, if you accept that idea). Ultimately, science tells us that the Earth will enter the Sun. Orbit is a state of free fall, and orbits gradually decay over time. Combine this fact with the expansion of our aging sun, and the Earth is doomed to perish in our own sun.

My own interest in the portrayal of science as a belief system stems from my own exposure to both organized religion, and science, from a young age. I grew up in a Christian household. My parents are both Christian, as were their parents, and their parents before them, and so on. People like to focus on the instances where science and religion are in conflict. However, I find the differences between scientific and Christian ideas no more striking than the differences between Christianity and other religions from around the world. I feel that people should support the idea that science is a belief system, and consider whether increasing their own understanding of science might lead to a better, more fulfilling life.

Citation for Book used in reserach, which is Michael Shermer’s “The Believing Brain”:

Shermer, Michael. The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies–how We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. New York: Times, 2011. Kindle Book.


PAS5 More Strange College Fads

At the end of my third passion blog, I promised a video of myself testing out pickup lines on girls. I have been out a number of times with a camcorder, a wireless mic, and a few faithful friends to get that footage. While the video is coming together nicely, I am still interested in filming some more before publishing the video. If you are interested in helping record video, or even trying out some pickup lines for the camera yourself, let me know (filming will likely occur immediately following spring break). You can express your interest either by commenting on this blog (leave an e-mail address or phone number) or writing to me at

Now, on to the subject of this entry. After writing several times about risky, questionable fad behaviors, this week I was determined to find some positive, healthy fad behaviors to explore. I asked people all week about what college fads they had learned of or witnessed her at Penn State, expecting that by now, I couldn’t be surprised by anything. Yet I was. And so once again, I present a compilation of extremely questionable behaviors, which undoubtedly pose many grave risks to health safety, or in some cases just our decency.

Purple Drank– A seemingly harmless mix of Jolly Ranchers, Sprite, and… codeine cough syrup. This is the latest fad in abusing this depressant cough remedy. Ingesting an overdose of codeine cough syrup leads to drowsiness, an altered perception of time, slowed breathing and heartbeat. While there is nothing about the use of Jolly Ranchers or Sprite which adds significantly to the effect of the codeine, these ingredients have sufficed to turn the nasty tasting liquid into a party drink. While I had heard of this concoction on occasion in high school, I was surprised to hear of its presence at college. College students are already sleep-deprived zombies by the end of the week, so why they would wish consume “purple drank” is beyond me. In any case, the risks associated with this fad are great… Overdose of codeine cough syrup can lead to labored breathing, seizures, coma, and even death.

purple drank

Drinking Hand Sanitizer- This fad most college students likely became aware of sometime in middle school or high school. The sanitizer gets its antibacterial properties from its alcohol content. Ethyl alcohol, to be specific. When ingested straight out of the bottle, this practice inevitably lands people in the hospital with stomach problems and, more often than not, alcohol poisoning. Clever college students have tried to reassure those concerned about ingesting chemicals by creating a process to extract the ehtyl alcohol using salt, creating a concentration of nearly 100% alcohol. Don’t be fooled… It is not the “toxic chemicals” that from drinking hand sanitizer that kill… it is the insane amount of alcohol in such a small amount that leads to alcohol poisoning. The process of extracting the alcohol only makes the practice even more deadly.

Polar Baring- This is the first of the strange fads I never heard about prior to entering college. Given the large amount of snow around the State College area, in retrospect, I am not surprised that this particular fad is a big thing right now. It involves people (usually girls) posing, naked, outside in the snow, to take pictures for social media. I don’t intend to engage in any sort of commentary on the morality of nudity, public or not. Simply the idea of going outside in this weather nude is enough to convince me that this is a really dumb fad. I hope that they get some good pictures, because that might be all they have soon… frostbite isn’t cute!

Penn State Hookups Facebook Page- Not to be taken too seriously, this facebook page is representative of a broader collection of pages. Many colleges across the country have similar pages… in fact, the Penn State page is not particularly active compared to many others. The idea is that students can anonymously post a message to their hookup .

Make Out

Perhaps the page description says it best: “This page is specifically designed so you can reconnect with that hot piece of a**, that one night stand, or any wrongly spurned lovers.” Unlike so many of the other fads I have detailed in my blog series, I will not warn you away from this page. In fact, I was highly amused reading through the posts, which can be found here.

I hope you have enjoyed this collection of fads, brought to my attention by fellow Penn State students. Stay smart, and stay safe! And check out that Penn State Hookups page for a good laugh.

Remember to comment/e-mail me if interested in participating in the pickup lines video! (

RCL2 Let’s Get Down to Business

When I think about the situation Penn State’s leadership has been in for the last few years, I am struck by how heavily the repercussions of the scandal of 2011-2012 have continued to persist. Obviously, both the role of President of the University, and head football coach, are prestigious and important positions. I believe that the recent hire of Franklin as football coach is more important than the decision to have Eric J. Barron as the 18th President of Penn State. Both men are extremely well-qualified for their respective positions, and will surely serve the University well.

Barron FranklinBarron has leadership experience as President of a University, at Florida State University. Additionally, he has a long history as a leader in the Penn State community, as well as the college itself. His background is heavily focused on scholarship and research, and he has held leadership positions of many kinds for years. He seems a fitting choice for a University which wishes to remain a competitive research university. His experience in leadership is also attractive, as Penn State could use strong leadership in this time of transition.

Franklin has been a successful football coach, and was competitive with Bill O’Brien for positions as head coach of some professional football teams. However, I do not believe his qualifications as a football coach are the most important factor which Franklin brings to the table. Equally significant is his ability to help repair the image of the Penn State football program, and of Penn State in general. He has presented himself as a ‘family man’, committed to traditional values which will help comfort fears of a repeat of the Sandusky scandal. Also, he states that Penn State is his dream job, and he wants to stay here for a long time. I believe that the Penn State community desires stability. They want a coach to build a legacy around, and to tell their children stories of.

While the role of President of Penn State is highly significant, and Barron is a strong choice for the position, the superstar status and publicity afforded the football coach of a university such as Penn State makes me believe that the hire of new head coach Franklin will be more significant in restoring Penn State’s public image fully, and refocusing the media attention away from the scandal of the past. It is time to move forward. It is time to get down to business.


THON is such a part of the Penn State student culture, that it is nearly impossible to imagine a campus without the constant sight of THON attire, and the advertisements for fundraisers and “THON Orgs”. The sheer number of people involved is evidence that THON is a big deal… but why? I went to THON to find out more, and talked to some attendees to discover the craziest traditions related to THON.

When I arrived, the Bryce Jordan Center was bustling as I had never seen. People were everywhere, and in a matter of hours, the BJC would be filled to capacity. Inside, everyone stood around, dancing, and conversing, and trying to stay awake. The court was awash with a rainbow of neon t-shirts, and various organizations waved lettered signs everywhere to announce their presence. As I wandered the stadium, I ran into so many people from my classes, clubs, and organizations. I realized that part of the appeal of THON is that everyone seems to be involved with it in some way. It has become a quintessential part of the Penn State experience, and I imagine those who have no interest or involvement with THON are in the minority. The massive number of people involved grants THON great financial rewards through the fundraising efforts of so many committed individuals. I imagined that it also meant that some very unique and interesting methods of fundraising might be employed. With a little bit of investigation, I heard about what I believe was the most unique and most interesting of all…

The Penn State Marketing Association held an auction to raise money for THON. They were auctioning off dates… Penn State athletes, to be specific. Many great stories emerged from this evening. Apparently the auction enjoyed significant success, raising over $1,400 for THON.

Items auctioned ranged from $30 to over $700, the first being a date with four members of the swim team, the latter, the entirety of the football team. The Nittany Lion was present, of course, to encourage bidders to compete for the lovely men and women of Penn State athletics. Other interesting events included a showdown between two bidders for a date with two women’s lacrosse players. Eventually, they decided to go on a double date, splitting the $130 charge. All of the teams had their own approach to attract bids. Some didn’t have to work so hard, such as the football players, who brought along some popular guys like quarterback Christian Hackenberg and tackle Gary Gilliam. Others had to be a little more creative, such as the men’s lacrosse team. Represented by eleven members of the team, they expressed interest in a riverboat gambling trip, and building snowmen, and promised to buy their date pumpkin spice lattes…

Date Auction

While people are involved in THON in many different ways, and for very different reasons, I have no doubt that the effort is a good thing. THON is a demonstration that students can come together as a community, and with nothing but raw determination, raise enough support for a cause to make a difference. It is evidence that students have the power to change the world around them, and it is evidence that they care enough to try. Whether by volunteering to be auctioned, or simply by canning in front of a local Wal-Mart, Penn State students found their own way of contributing to the great effort that is THON.

PAS3 You Did WHAT!? Weird College Fads Through the Ages

We are undoubtedly of a generation determined to explore the limits of human stupidity- if you have any doubt on this point, please refer to my previous post on strange means of getting drunk. However, this noble quest is nothing new… In this entry, I will examine a variety of silly college fad behaviors throughout history, leading up to some present day shenanigans which you might have heard about, and might not have.

Pole-Sitting – This strange behavior involves climbing a flag pole, and perching on top of it for an extended duration. While not very common among college students today, in the 1920’s this was a big fad. There was intense competition over who could sit atop a flag pole for the longest duration. This odd, though not particularly disruptive, behavior was intended to draw attention and fame. Sometimes the sitter was supplied with necessities by companions, and other times they attempted to bring enough supplies atop the pole with them to stay. And did they ever stay… Some early records are on the order of 40-50 days atop poles, while the current world record holder is H. David Werder, who remained on a pole for 439 days, 11 hours, and 6 minutes from November 1982 to January 1984 as a protest against gasoline prices. This fad seems really pathetically silly to me… Some logistics problems emerge which might make this extremely uncomfortable, such as how to use the bathroom, how to sleep, etc.

Goldfish Swallowing– The frat boys have been stirring up controversy for as long as greek organizations have existed. This strange fad was all the rage in the 1930’s. It is exactly what it sounds to be- people swallow live goldfish to satisfy a dare or bet. Believed to have been started by some boys at Harvard, this behavior became such a fad that universities implemented a ban on the practice. This seems a strange thing to ban, but perhaps the officials simply felt the trend was too disgusting to condone through silence. Goldfish swallow

Streaking– Penn State students know what streaking is. The annual “Mifflin Streak” is perhaps the most well-known and longest running streaking events anywhere in the country. Despite this yearly Sunday evening of nudity, modern day Penn State does not rival the streaking glory of the 1970’s. Streaking was a huge craze during this time period, with streakers scandalizing public squares across the country every day. Evidence of the prominence of streaking during this time period rests in the recording of the 46th annual academy awards, during which a streaker runs behind the host David Niven on camera, prompting the now famous quip by the same: “Isn’t it fascinating to think that probably the only laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings?”across the country were forced to ban the practice of swallowing or otherwise consuming goldfish. While the behaviors seems bizarre, the ban strikes me as even stranger… I doubt that the practice poses significant health risks, and the population of goldfish was not being jeopardized. Perhaps university officials felt this was just too gross to condone by the absence of a ban.

Cinnamon Challenge– While there are countless silly fad behaviors between the 1970’s and the present day which I might examine, I have selected the cinnamon challenge because it is relatively current and still attracting attempts by teens and young adults as evidenced by the steady stream of youtube videos documenting the many, many, failures. The challenge is as follows: Consume a spoonful of cinnamon all at once, without any water. While not impossible, as proven by Mythbusters’ Tory Belleci, the challenge is difficult enough that it typically results in a coughing fit and violent gagging. Cinnamon is an extremely fine powder, and covers a huge surface area when spread out. It is extremely absorbent of liquids such as water, and saliva. When such an amount is added to the mouth, it depletes available saliva nearly instantaneously and causes gagging, leading to retching and coughing. If this description is not enough to discourage you from attempting this, watch some youtube videos and see how miserable the attemptees look. This can pose a health threat if aspirated, especially in those with asthma or pre-existing breathing impairments. 

Thanks for reading, and be sure to tune in next week for a firsthand examination of Penn State’s pickup and/or hookup culture. I will be out with some accomplices testing the trends in response to pickup lines in different situations at Penn State… the video will be a part of next week’s blog!


One Spoonful? Too Easy. Uses entire ladle, with… bad… consequences.

Click for video…

RCL1 Christians Respond to The LOLcat Bible

For some time now, an internet project of epic proportions has been underway. Those familiar with the fragmented, broken, amusing LOLcat internet meme will be surprised to hear that the entire Bible is being translated into LOLcat. No, there is no computer program which can effectively translate into this amusing language. The project is attempting to preserve the original meaning of the verses… however, they are not afraid to add a hefty dose of LOLcat lingo where there may or may not have been a need for it.

A link to the project can be found here.

As an example of some of the work, here are the first three familiar verses from Genesis 1:

1 Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem.

2 Da Urfs no had shapez An haded dark face, An Ceiling Cat rode invisible bike over teh waterz.

3 At start, no has lyte. An Ceiling Cat sayz, i can haz lite? An lite wuz.

The responses to the LOLcat bible have been overwhelmingly positive… an abbreviated version of the translated bible is already available on (

I wanted to examine some responses by Christians… do they think that the LOLcat bible is a way to spread their ideas to a new audience? Or is it sacrilegious, or taking the word of God in vain? I found an online internet forum in which this very debate was taking place:  Fans for Christ LOLcat Bible

Unsurprisingly, the debate is hard to take seriously. Several users begin by posting a lolcat picture, and making a joke of the entire question. Most of the rules of ‘Democratic Conversation’ are not observed throughout. However, the participants do show respect for one another’s ideas, and present some arguments for and against the LOLcat Bible. One member points out that a translation of the Bible into Klingon is known to have brought people who might not otherwise have been interested in Christianity into the faith. Should the LOLcat Bible be treated any differently?

Another commenter quotes Luke 5:1-11, and points out that, although the translation is far from eloquent (it is the opposite of eloquent, actually), it is not wrong. The original intent of the Bible is still preserved.

The debate over the LOLcat Bible will no doubt increase as the project nears completion. Religious authorities have naturally refrained from comment on the issue, but the general public has and will likely continue to have mixed views on this unique project. Personally, I find the project extremely amusing, and could read the LOLcat Bible for much longer than the actual Bible before losing interest. Perhaps others will use this as their primary way of studying God… or, Ceiling Cat, rather.

messiah cat

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