Last Spring, Penn State Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter made the decision to restructure our organization in order to accommodate our goal to improve membership retention throughout the year. As a result, we initiated the “House Leader” system this fall. We elected four general members to serve as House Leaders; They divided the organization into four smaller groups, named their groups in a Habitat-themed manner (Hammer House, Nut House, Stud House, Saw House), and planned our first Fall House Tournament. The event consisted of four House events throughout the month of October, with multiple service projects in between. At our regular meetings, we also decided to designate 20 minutes to separating into our Houses and having small group discussions.
The House system has improved our organization in a variety of ways. First, it has assisted with membership recruitment and retention. Dividing our large organization into smaller groups has helped to create a sense of ease and comfort, especially for our younger members. Additionally, the House system has allowed for more small-group socials such as Kiwi dates, Corner Room breakfasts, and potluck meals. Furthermore, the House system has helped to bridge the gap between our Executive Board members and general members, since Executive Board members act as general members of the houses, giving the House Leaders ownership of all organization and event planning that takes place within the Houses.
I look forward to continued success with our House system, and as always, brainstorming additional ways in which we can improve!