We Are… Healthy!

Your health is more than what you eat, how much you sleep and your work-out ritual – in fact, it’s as much about what you think, how you connect (and disconnect) and the environment you live in as it is about your Monster-drinking, Insta-indulging, all-night-hanging, midnight-binging-with-friends habits! Join me as we consider both the typical and atypical definitions of health in 2020 and examine areas in your life that might need some nurturing. Take a pause to get grounded, breathe deeply and set some intentions, if for no other reason than just for the “health” of it!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Kelly Grosser
Director, Youth Empowerment Programs, YWCA Tri County Area · Email: kgrosser@ywcatricountyarea.org

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