HASS Colloquium – Jim Crow in Blue: Policing While Black in Postwar New York City

One of the key outcomes of the civil rights movement was the diversification of America’s urban police forces. Faced with new federal policies and emerging demands from African American and Latino political leaders, police departments from Philadelphia to Milwaukee to Houston wrestled with how diverse police forces would impact neighborhoods of color. Justin DeSenso will discuss the implications of being black-and-blue, and what policing while black teaches us about American policing writ large. His talk will pay particular attention to specific officers tasked with policing Harlem and Brooklyn between 1950-1970.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Justin DeSenso
Associate Teaching Professor

HASS Colloquium Spring 2022

HASS Colloquium Women’s History Students Learn About Race Through Memoir: Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi

This presentation will outline the results of a research study conducted on one cohort of Women’s History Students. One specific unit focuses on the impacts of teaching Black women’s history through Anne Moody’s 1968 memoir, Coming of Age in Mississippi. This research explores student understandings of race and the historical experiences of Black women.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Jessica Schocker
Associate Professor

Dr. Todd Migliaccio

Please join us for a special end of the semester LionSide Chat! PSU Berks Chief Academic Officer Dr. Todd Migliaccio will Chat with the LSC Crew about his first few months at PSU Berks!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Dr. Todd Migliaccio
Chief Academic Officer
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Penn State Berks

We Are… Prepared! Final Exams… It’s Showtime!!!

This chat will include information about final exam week, tips for how best to study for final exams, how to determine what content to study, where and when are best times for studying and how to navigate the demand and stress of the end of the semester. Whether you have gone through several semesters of taking final exams or this is your first time preparing for college finals, participants are guaranteed to walk away from this session with tips and strategies for how to better prepare for final exams and a successful closure to the semester.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:Dr. Ryan Hassler, Associate Teaching Professor of MathematicsPenn State Berks