We are…Financially Literate

Penn State is committed to providing students with the resources needed to make decisions regarding their money management. What is financial literacy and why is it important to be financially literate? Financial Literacy helps you question your attitudes and values toward money and guides you to reach a life full of financial security and freedom.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center
Penn State University

Nontraditional Student Recognition Week

As an adult learner champion, Penn State Berks is committed to the support and educational pathways of nontraditional students. Join us during Nontraditional Student Recognition Week and get inspired! Listen to current adult and veteran learners on how they successfully juggle careers, family responsibilities and classes. Join us and become part of a community committed to linking learning and work so that adult learners and their communities can thrive.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Kathy Cavanaugh, M.Ed.Adult Student Enrollment CoordinatorFormer Adult Student, Penn State Berks Class of ‘17

Erica KunkelInterim Director Continuing Education

Ryley DanielsFinancial Aid CoordinatorVeterans Certifying Official

Nettie Matz, M.Ed.Assistant Director of Financial AidVeterans Certifying Official

What the HEALTH? From Surviving to Thriving Against the Odds

In the land of unknowns, taking care of ourselves often looks a whole lot different than it used to and might have you pondering – “What the HEALTH?” is going on?  Prioritizing physical well-being may have taken a back seat to maintaining your sanity and caring generously for you mental health.  Perhaps the methods you once found useful just aren’t working for you these days.  Investigating approaches for getting grounded (in the good way!) and taking a pause to take care of yourself is always time well-spent.  Join us for a reflective and active journey towards newfound well-being: there’s no need to survive when YOU can THRIVE!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Mrs. Kelly Grosser
Chief Mission Impact Officer, Certified Health Coach
YWCA Tri-County Area

Jumpstarting your Penn State Experience

With 156 hours in the average week, how will you spend your time? You are an official Penn Stater and that means you have an abundance of opportunity right at your fingertips. Learn about how you can maximize your experience and take full advantage of what resources and network that Penn State Berks has to offer. Join Angie DiJiacomo from the Office of Campus Life and Student Government Association for an overview of how to GET INVOLVED.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Ms. Angela DiJiacomo
Assistant Director of Campus Life

Dogs in the Classroom and on Campus

Join us to discuss the ADA and Penn State policies relevant to service dogs and other animals on campus. This chat will share experiences from service dog handlers, challenging situations, etiquette, and how to interact respectfully with a handler and their service dog.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Michelle Peasley
Student Disability Resources Coordinator Penn State Berks
K. Lynn Pierce
Doctoral Candidate, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Penn State University
Lynn Pierce, M.S., NCC, is a doctoral candidate in Counselor Education and Supervision at the Pennsylvania State University and a 2021-2021 Association‌ ‌for‌ ‌Counselor‌ ‌Education‌ ‌and‌ ‌Supervision‌ Emerging Leader. Pierce has work experience with trauma, sexual and affectional minorities and individuals with disabilities, and much of her interest is in how intersecting identities may impact marginalized and minority individuals. Her research focus centers on improving access to care for under-served demographics, providing empirically supported interventions, and improving client outcomes.
A strong focus for Pierce from the start of her education in counseling has been research and education around service animals. Pierce is a service dog handler of 6 years and she has built a consultation and education presence to assist mental health professionals and related professions understand the laws applicable to service dog teams and how to interact with service dog handlers in positive ways to increase handler wellness and outcomes. Her dissertation will focus on standards of care for handlers and the better meeting the needs of service dog teams.