We Are…Professional

I will take students through a developmental journey of career planning.  We will discuss starting in their first year of college to identify the activities that can enhance their chance of reaching their career goals.  We will touch on how career decisions are made, what skills need to be developed, and how to make sure they use the PSU resources and network.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Tish Jepsen
Coordinator of Career Services

We Are…Professional

In this presentation, we will cover the skills needed to become a professional. As a Penn Stater, this begins as early as you set foot on campus as a first year student. The Professional Branding practice begins with an Action Plan.

Here are a few items that will be covered during the chat:
• What is an Action Plan?
• How do I learn about my personality – strengths/weaknesses and my EQI?
• What does it mean to Brand to become a Professional?
• How do I prepare a marketable resume?
• How do I read a job post?
• What is a Pitch?
• How do I become familiar with research and resources to become a professional?
• What is a network?
• How do I manage my online presence?
• Can I become a professional interviewer?
• What are the skills used for interviewing?
• How do I land the first internship or full time position?
• Can I use the skills learned today to go to professional or graduate school?

The questions in my presentation will be answered to help you achieve “We Are-Professional”

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Ms. Patricia Jepsen, Coordinator of Career Services Penn State Berks