HASS Colloquium – Jim Crow in Blue: Policing While Black in Postwar New York City

One of the key outcomes of the civil rights movement was the diversification of America’s urban police forces. Faced with new federal policies and emerging demands from African American and Latino political leaders, police departments from Philadelphia to Milwaukee to Houston wrestled with how diverse police forces would impact neighborhoods of color. Justin DeSenso will discuss the implications of being black-and-blue, and what policing while black teaches us about American policing writ large. His talk will pay particular attention to specific officers tasked with policing Harlem and Brooklyn between 1950-1970.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Justin DeSenso
Associate Teaching Professor

Use of Force: legal framework and the current environment

The legal framework of police use of force will be discussed, to include the history, how the 4th Amendment guides the use of force, landmark US Supreme Court cases that define force and police policy that can further limit force. Recent efforts to track use of force efforts will be discussed.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Debra Dreisbach, Lecturer in Criminal Justice

Penn State Berks

LionSide Chats: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Drug Overdose Crisis

The opioid overdose crisis continues and Pennsylvania has been one of the hardest hit states. How has the overdose rate been impacted by COVID-19 and what is currently being done to deal with the opioid crisis?

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Dr. Jennifer Murphy
Associate Professor and Chair of Criminal Justice
Penn State Berks

Covid-19 and Overdose (PPT)

Justice on Lockdown: Criminal Justice in America in the Shadow of COVID-19

Justice on Lockdown: Criminal Justice in America in the Shadow of COVID-19

While the nation rushed to find safety through social distance from coworkers and clients, others found themselves unable to escape the close proximity that comes with living and working in America’s many overcrowded prisons and jails. Meanwhile, the administration of justice has all but come to a halt as many courts have suspended their regular functions in light of the COVID-19 induced lockdown. This presentation explores the nuances of justice during this unprecedented moment in history.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by: Ebonie Cunningham Stringer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Criminal Justice