We Are… Prepared! Final Exams… It’s Showtime!!!

This chat will include information about final exam week, tips for how best to study for final exams, how to determine what content to study, where and when are best times for studying and how to navigate the demand and stress of the end of the semester. Whether you have gone through several semesters of taking final exams or this is your first time preparing for college finals, participants are guaranteed to walk away from this session with tips and strategies for how to better prepare for final exams and a successful closure to the semester.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:Dr. Ryan Hassler, Associate Teaching Professor of MathematicsPenn State Berks

We Are… Prepared! Final Exams… It’s Showtime!!!

This session will include information about final exam week, tips for how best to study for final exams, how to determine what content to study, where and when are best times for studying and how to navigate the demand and stress of the end of the semester. Whether you have gone through several semesters of taking final exams or this is your first time preparing for college finals, participants are guaranteed to walk away from this session with tips and strategies for how to better prepare for final exams and a successful closure to the semester.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Dr. Ryan Hassler, Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics
Penn State Berks

Where’s the Vaccine? Analyzing statistical data related to COVID-19 treatment

This will be a very friendly introduction to analyzing statistical data related to the treatment and search for a COVID-19 vaccine. We will discuss basic principles in designing and conducting clinical trials and how these principles relate to both efficacy and the efficiency of bringing a drug/vaccine to development.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Dr. Ryan Hassler
Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics
Penn State Berks


World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/

National Institute of Health: https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus

US National Library of Medicine: https://clinicaltrials.gov/

US Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/

Regulatory Affairs Professional Society: https://www.raps.org/

European Medicine Agency: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en

The Lancet: Peer-reviewed Medical Journal: https://www.thelancet.com/

New England Journal of Medicine: https://www.nejm.org/

Oshinsky, D. M. (2005). Polio: An American Story. GoogleBooks.

Piantadosi, S. (2005). Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective (2nd edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.