We Are…Professional

In this presentation, we will cover the skills needed to become a professional. As a Penn Stater, this begins as early as you set foot on campus as a first year student. The Professional Branding practice begins with an Action Plan.

Here are a few items that will be covered during the chat:
• What is an Action Plan?
• How do I learn about my personality – strengths/weaknesses and my EQI?
• What does it mean to Brand to become a Professional?
• How do I prepare a marketable resume?
• How do I read a job post?
• What is a Pitch?
• How do I become familiar with research and resources to become a professional?
• What is a network?
• How do I manage my online presence?
• Can I become a professional interviewer?
• What are the skills used for interviewing?
• How do I land the first internship or full time position?
• Can I use the skills learned today to go to professional or graduate school?

The questions in my presentation will be answered to help you achieve “We Are-Professional”

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Ms. Patricia Jepsen, Coordinator of Career Services Penn State Berks

We Are…Somebody – Why we chose to stay at Berks

Some students know from the time they start their Penn State application that they will be graduating from the Berks campus. Others make a “last minute” change of major so they can stay at Berks. Current Penn State Berks students will share their unique stories of why they chose to complete their degrees at Penn State Berks in this panel-style presentation.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Becky Eckenrode, Associate Director of Admissions
Penn State Berks students: Ja’Nique Jules, Tyler McGrogan, Adam Brezina, Ifeoluwa “Ife” Ogunyinka, Alyson Holder, Samantha “Sammie” Oxenreider

We Are… Advised

University 101: Learn how your GPA is calculated along with tips for what to do as well as student stories of what not to do regarding your first semester of college.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Mr. Michael Stella, Senior Undergraduate Studies Advisor Penn State Berks

Constitution Day

This Lionside Chat program will focus on the 2020 Election through the prism of the U.S. Constitution. Do our Founding Fathers, from 230 years ago, have any advice for today’s pivotal election? Learn about how the U.S. Constitution came to be and how the Founding Fathers put in motion a framework to protect the Rule of Law.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Mr. Scott G. Hoh, Esquire
Owner and President of Resolution Law Group, LLC

“Are You Smiling Behind that Mask?” Human Communication in the Age of COVID

Participants will be introduced to the dynamics of verbal and nonverbal communication and discuss some new communication phenomenon; such as why it’s hard to communicate while wearing a mask and why we have communication-related Zoom fatigue. The chat will end by providing tips for thoughtful communication in our new pandemic-related communication contexts.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Dr. Jill Burk, Associate Teaching Professor Communication Arts & Sciences
Dr. Kesha Morant Williams, Associate Professor Communication Arts & Sciences
Penn State Berks

WE ARE… Successful

How are your classes progressing up to this point? Maybe the academic expectations are not exactly what you expected. If this sounds like your experience, join us for week three’s LionSide Chat where we will explore ways to “make the grade” this semester. Staff members Sonia Delaquito (Learning Center Coordinator) and Alexa Hodge (Coordinator, Student Support Services) will share academic and non-academic strategies that any student (new or returning) can implement to maximize one’s potential and resources both inside and outside of the classroom!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:
Ms. Sonia Delaquito, Learning Center Coordinator Penn State Berks
Ms. Alexa Hodge, Coordinator of Student Support Services Penn State Berks