What the HEALTH? From Surviving to Thriving Against the Odds

In the land of unknowns, taking care of ourselves often looks a whole lot different than it used to and might have you pondering – “What the HEALTH?” is going on?  Prioritizing physical well-being may have taken a back seat to maintaining your sanity and caring generously for you mental health.  Perhaps the methods you once found useful just aren’t working for you these days.  Investigating approaches for getting grounded (in the good way!) and taking a pause to take care of yourself is always time well-spent.  Join us for a reflective and active journey towards newfound well-being: there’s no need to survive when YOU can THRIVE!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Mrs. Kelly Grosser
Chief Mission Impact Officer, Certified Health Coach
YWCA Tri-County Area

We Are… Healthy!

Your health is more than what you eat, how much you sleep and your work-out ritual – in fact, it’s as much about what you think, how you connect (and disconnect) and the environment you live in as it is about your Monster-drinking, Insta-indulging, all-night-hanging, midnight-binging-with-friends habits! Join me as we consider both the typical and atypical definitions of health in 2020 and examine areas in your life that might need some nurturing. Take a pause to get grounded, breathe deeply and set some intentions, if for no other reason than just for the “health” of it!

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Kelly Grosser
Director, Youth Empowerment Programs, YWCA Tri County Area · Email: kgrosser@ywcatricountyarea.org