Discovery at Penn State Berks

This LionSide Chat is part of our Summer 2021 Penn State Values Series:

To our incoming first-year students, welcome to Penn State! Across our University, we have a set of shared values. The Penn State value of “discovery” means that, “We seek and create new knowledge and understanding, and foster creativity and innovation, for the benefit of our communities, society, and the environment.” In this session, we will explore opportunities for you to engage in discovery, specifically with regards to undergraduate research.

This LionSide Chat will be presented by:

Dr. Matthew Rhudy, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2021 Berks Faculty Research Award Winner
Serenah Pauliuc, Penn State Berks Student & 2021 Young Investigator Award Winner – EBC Division
Kaitlyn Pasquarella, Penn State Berks Student & 2021 University Libraries Research Award Winner- Science Division