allergies and intolerances vs a prepackaged world

Living with allergies, for many, can be stressful. I have written mostly about foods that cause “true allergic reactions” for most of this blog, but something I’ve only touched on is food sensitivities.  These are reactions that don’t cause an allergic reaction but can feel very similar for some people. Having food intolerances can restrict your diet as much as an allergic reaction, though. Many people are familiar with lactose intolerance, which is where you cannot digest the lactose enzyme in milk. This process can happen with, as far as I know, most foods.

This type of reaction to foods is distressing when you just want to eat healthy, but the foods you try cause you pain. Trying to figure out what to eat that you won’t react to is a process that many people don’t want, or have time, to do. Dietitians and allergists have come up with different methods to weed out troublesome foods, but many of these take the time and money to be able to eat foods that do not trigger a reaction. At the end of these it is trial and error to figure these things out. Having this time to figure out what you can eat in a methodical manner is hard to do when you work or go to school, as it cuts out so much food you would eat in these settings.

I would not say there is a better way than these methods, as cutting out foods that you have intolerances to can be extremely challenging. I personally have a harder time with this as many of my allergies and intolerances present the same way, and so when these things are so intertwined, picking out each as a separate problem can be overwhelming.

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