We came, We Saw, We Learned about Food

This blog has been a learning experience, talking about my experiences as someone with a food allergy. This  was a lesson in how do you pick something you are passionate about for this long, and not get too repetitive. And while this blog was originally supposed to be about eating on campus, there are only so any ways that allergens are accommodated on campus. As well as the fact that with such complex allergies and intolerances are just generally difficult to manage. I know how to manage it and how to use accommodations through the dietary office, it is hard to write about specific things, as I don’t currently use the dietary office. Nor do I want to have to order food every day to get foods that might be safe, but that’s still not a guarantee, as things change with my reactions. This realization that there are only so many ways that Penn State labels the allergens in their food, led me to talk about how I individually adapt things to food allergies. This helped to expand what to talk about and to be able to write longer blogs.

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