Dr. Carin Kosmoski, NIOSH: Assessing the Safety Culture of Coal Mines – Methods and Preliminary Findings
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Carin L. Kosmoski, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Human Factors, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research. Dr. Kosmoski discusses “Assessing the Safety Culture of Mines: Methods and Preliminary Findings”, at a June 15, 2011 seminar in Pittsburgh, PA entitled: Improving Health and Safety: Enhancing a Culture of Prevention. Dr. Kosmoski summarizes the preliminary results of a NIOSH-sponsored research study that explored and evaluated the existing safety culture of the underground coal mining industry at several mines. She lists several safety culture characteristics, organizational behaviors that impact safety culture and explores the relationship between safety culture characteristics and organizational behaviors. Dr. Kosmoski describes several methods to survey organizational behavior, and discusses the preliminary results of recent research.