Everything is related, so here is the chromosome of everything I have.

Ask God
Sometimes the dreams that came true are the dreams that you never even knew you had.
One day, I went to ask God- can I become the elbow of your bones?
The answer was uncertain, and I knew I had to follow.
It Told me, it was never too late.
And my own Elapse-
Was Lost-
With nothing.
So I started wondering,
What is my profound memory,
That lasted permanently in my life, with a single decision,
That can change my soul without any regrets and keep the vessel of skin.
From the bottle of amnesia, I try to find the instructions of oblivion supreme-my salvation.
The burning paper of my funeral, merged into my existence of nothingness,
Yet, no one ever finds my bones mixed in the soil, not even.
God is created to serve the place of its meaning,
And thus we define it-
For existence-
Without regrets.
A whisper undulating down-
That I could not control from running towards-
Towards the lovely bones that confounded those glaring elves.
I throw myself into the wind, and only those prepared to die will find eternal lives.
Forgiveness is a Christian value- my God is older, for those who have eternal lives living in hell,
And here I am, in the hell, prepared to die for nothing but my own broken soul.
I was killed by the wonder of obedience in the storm of fear,
Born from the creation of their God,
Which no one ever doubts
About the hidden truth,
And thus is,
Jodie Wang

Posted in Air

The Air of Happiness

I believe that sometimes the dreams that came true are the dreams that you never even knew you had.

When I consider about happiness, I don’t really explicate it in a manner to define what it is to me. I know that I will only be happy when I can sense the air that floats around me as I am walking inside of a forest that no one is here but me. I can sense the air when I am provided with a platform to be able to learn what I want to learn and speak out loud what I believe. To be able to be yourself is one of the most difficult thing a person can do, and trust me, it is true. One part of humanity is that we all tend to follow others despite we don’t necessarily know what the meaning behind the scene is. Yet I am the one who actually start releasing myself from inside to outside, and I am happy and also passionate about revealing myself completely in front of everyone, no matter if it is a person who supports me or judges me. This is what makes me unique I guess. If I agree with something, I am willing to support it; if I disagree with something, I must speak out. This is a characteristic I have that sometimes makes me become isolated, and it is true as my life in a tiny high school of 3 years was quite lonely. I was so afraid of this loneliness I was surrounded by, but now loneliness becomes a part of my happiness. There is no such an existence of the necessity to fear loneliness. It sounds like a contradiction, but my happiness is this loneliness that I create by myself in order to help me pursue an internal world that tells me you are the ignorant one. Socrates says he is the only one who knows he knows nothing. The majority of us is afraid of this uncertainty that shackles ourselves from inside, but I am telling you that uncertainty is this great ignorance that allows you to truly be who you are. The dreams are the dreams, whereas you are who you are. Nothing is illusional as long as we are able to recognize ourselves by truly realizing what we really want to do.

Commonplace Described in the talk of George W. Bush

Here is the link to the video of George W. Bush who opened up on Trump’s war with the media and travel ban.

Just right after Donald Trump’s first-month administration of the United States, the formal President George W. Bush opened up his opinion towards President Trump’s ideology of certain issues related to the commonplace that people are consistently tide to. The commonplace Bush had used was the concept of unity as a nation that required both the freedom of the media press that produced civic information necessarily concerned by citizens and provided a platform for people’s voices to be heard as well as the freedom of choosing the method to be able to worship any religions. What has been displayed by his talk was that freedom is the “bedrock” of the people who are willing to unite the nation in a way that at least made them comfortable. By stating that “media is not the enemy” but “indispensable to democracy” since people need to check on the political information that they concern, Bush persuaded the audience that independent media is an essential tool that provides people with that access. From Bush’s perspective, because the power that President holds is “addictive and corrosive”, it is a right for people to “call account” if this power has been abused or not, and thus he implied that the division within this country could be narrowed. By indicating “whether here or elsewhere” this ideal is significant and the ideology of freedom people desire should at least be shown via the answers of political scandal associated with Trump’s campaign that involved the Russian component that “we all need to know”, Bush once again persuaded its audience that a nation needs a free press to open the door to politics, aiming to accomplish the goal to narrow the division inside. Moreover, when he mentioned the Muslims who suffered in the incident of 9.11, the word “freedom” had been emphasized on its primary meaning in regard to the worship of religion, showing the “great strength” that we all recognize as a way to unite a nation as long as we are not “at retreat” in the issue of Muslim’s ban. Despite Bush did not criticize Trump’s administration directly, he still demonstrated that it would be hard to unite a nation and fight a war on terrorism when there was such an existence of boundary that actually divided people from the inside that the practice of freedom had been vanished gradually.

Posted in RCL