Ted-Talk Outline

1. Women are saving us by redefining and re-programing a future that defies and blurs the accepted polarities, a commonplace that we take for granted in our tradition and culture (hook: hidden figures – film) the shift is not completed 

2. A paradigm shift occurs when the spark of feminism has fired its potential since the number of women who receive education has drastically climbed. In the past women who work in the field of science and technology was really low. (topic is too broad)
– The only way to achieve gender equality is to overturn the oppressive tradition that has been running for centuries. (vision narrowed, make claim smaller)
– Timeline of women’s education in the field of science and technology
3. STEM Education Statistics (higher number)
– Definition of STEM: an academic disciplines of science technology, engineering and mathematics
– K-12 Education
Female students’ achievement in mathematics and science is on par with their male peers and female students participate in high level mathematics and science courses at similar rates as their male peers, with the exception of computer science and engineering (NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2016).
–  Higher Education
The rates of science and engineering course taking for girls/women shift at the undergraduate level and gender disparities begin to emerge, especially for minority women (NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2016).
4. STEM Workforce (lower rate)
– Women remain underrepresented in the science and engineering workforce, although to a lesser degree than in the past, with the greatest disparities occurring in engineering, computer science, and the physical sciences (NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2016).
– Women make up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but only 29% of the science and engineering workforce.
– However, even the percentage is comparably low, but it is at a constant increasing rate.
5.Causes: (Inbalence)

Leadership pipeline, social and cultural commonplace to stay at home

a. Overall spread of the ideal of feminism

           b.Gender Wage Gap Exists, but the overall percentage holds the line in the United States.
– In the past: 19 century, 20 century (statistics)
– Right now: 21 century (statistics)
– Specific wage percentage in the field of science and technology (increasing rate)
– Higher percentage results in incentives to encourage some countries to allow girls to receive education (Cuba, Pakistan, and some regions in India)

c. more education received by people (Example of Pakistan)- more mentors for women

so they know it is equally important for girls to receive education.

d. lower rate of women being housewives. (women leadership pipeline, )

When men are working outside, women are typically housewives before. But now it has definitely changed.

e. more acceptance from co-workers

doing calculations behind the scene, less pay.


policy paper= no solutions

research on where we got



Posted in RCL

3 thoughts on “Ted-Talk Outline

  1. There are so many statistics on women in STEM fields that this TED TALK is going to be super successful. Your research in your outline is extremely thorough which will be good for later when you have to actually draft the speech. The one suggestion I have is organization. I would make a clear thesis that encompasses everything that you are trying to say and then go off that will body paragraphs focused on specific aspects of this paradigm shift. If you do this, your TED TALK will be amazing!

  2. I like how this Ted Talk also ties into concepts from your passion blog. In the 21st century, the gap between men and women in the STEM field has sizably shrunk. While more progress still needs to me made, enough has been made for you to show a paradigm shift. I think it is important to stay focused on STEM in your speech and not start talking about other loosely related paradigm shifts for women.

  3. This is definitely one of the most important issues globally. I think it’s great you chose this topic because after reading your passion blog I believe you’ll do a great job with the TED talk. You have really good content supported by strong facts and statistics so as long as you plan your time and get the information across to the audience you will have a really good talk.

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