Category Archives: LCT status


January 28, 2015

Thanks to the OPP electricians, we have our power restored, and the instruments are pumping down. Orbi will take some time to reach operating conditions, as usual. MALDI is ready for your samples. LCT and QTRAP should be ready tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Scott’s, Joana’s, and John’s gels are incubating with trypsin overnight.


December 4, 2014

We had a power interruption today to allow electricians repair a faulty circuit breaker. All mass spectrometers were down, and now we are getting back to operating conditions. This will cause some delays in your sample analyses.

I should be able to resume running Yuanjun’s samples on Monday, after Orbi gets stable temperature so I can calibrate it.

MALDI is ready.

LCT is pumping down.

QTrap is pumping down.


January 6, 2014

Happy New Year everyone! We are back from a nice 2-week vacation, re-energized and ready to run your samples! Orbi has finally established communication with all its parts and now is baking out. LCT is down: it lost one of its pumps, and we are waiting for the pump to be repaired and sent back to us. The open access instrument will be up and running tomorrow as well as the triple quad.


December 11, 2013

Orbi is running samples for Eric tonight. Eric is a student at Hershey.

M@LDI LR (aka Matilda) has left the facility today to join other Matildas of her age.

The Winter Holiday schedule is up on our door: we will be closed from Monday, December 23rd, through Friday, January 3rd, and back to work on January 6th. Please plan accordingly!


November 26, 2013

Orbi is running Valerie’s samples today, after which Orbi will be cleaned up and ready for the next week. The facility will be closed for Thanksgiving during November 28 and 29, so there will be no access to the open access instrument and plate reader.