For our purposes, small molecules are intermediates and products of chemical synthesis (excluding polymers).
All small molecule analyses performed at the Facility are high-resolution, accurate mass. The instrument used for these analyses is Thermo Q Exactive.
Samples can be submitted in either dry form or as solutions (preferred). The sample amount must be indicated (weight or volume and concentration); 0.2 – 0.5 mL of a micromolar range solution is enough.
When submitting samples, provide the following information:
- Your name and email address
- Your PI’s name and email address
- Preferred budget number for this analysis (must be in iLab)
- Sample labels. You can use your initials and a number, e.g. synthesis step or notebook page number. Meaningful labels make it easier to find your file. Make sure you label your vials!
- Solvent in which samples are dissolved and other compatible solvents. I use methanol as the mobile phase for the flow-injection analysis; make a note if your compound is not soluble in methanol at micromolar concentrations.
- Molar concentration (10-100 micromolar range is preferred) of each sample (please, no mg/mL, ppm, %, activity units, etc.)
- Chemical structure, hand drawn or generated in ChemDraw (needed to select instrument parameters for analysis)
- Elemental composition (needed to calculate exact mass)
- Expected mass (exact or average)
- Any other information about your sample that you think I should have.
You can print out or hand-write this information or fill out the Request for MS analysis. If you are submitting more than 8 samples, you may want to use a spreadsheet form with the Sample_sequence_file
Bring your samples and the accompanying information to South Frear building, room 221. It is best to make an appointment, so that your samples are not misplaced or lost.
If you are sending samples from one of Penn State campuses, please email me in advance: my mail is delivered to a mailroom, and I don’t check it daily.