Creating A Lesson Plan

Since I am aiming to become an art teacher, in my art education classes we are leaning how to create lesson plans. We are also creating a real art lesson plan that will be tested out this semester. The lesson plan we are creating is for a 6th grade class and the lesson is about facing fears. The kids will have an activity where they will be able to make fun of their fears by making them look silly, or creating a hero that protects them from that fear. The materials the kids will be using tissue paper, googley eyes, newspaper, cloth/ felt, pipe cleaners, and many other supplies. To create a lesson plan first you must come up with the idea of what you want the kids in your class to learn. We wanted students to face their fears while they are young. Next to make a time schedule of the lesson will go. We are planning to have an icebreaker in the beginning that way the students will feel comfortable interacting with us (the student

20131119_190547teachers) and the students in their class. The students will draw their fear on a piece of paper then make a silly or funny 3D form of that fear. When they are finished the 6 graders will fill out a sheet that names their monster, describes where it sleeps, what it eats, why it’s scary or was scary. Another thing that will be helpful with the lesson plan is creating an Idea Board. When students have a question or need help thinking of idea, looking at idea should really help any blank brains and to continue with the ideas. Below you will see a picture of the almost complete idea board we created in the image of the Monster’s Inc. monster Sulley. We painted the board for three days to make it look really like Sulley. The remaining time will be clean up, and the students will reflect on the project.

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One Response to Creating A Lesson Plan

  1. Natasha McCandless says:

    Wow, this is an awesome lesson plan! What a cool way to have kids conquer their fears. The idea board looks awesome. Also, pipe cleaners and googley eyes sound like so much fun!

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