Time Flies



However cliche this quote is, it’s completely true. There’s only about two weeks left of summer session, and I actually don’t want it to end. 

The differences of how I felt about being here between June 29 and now is huge. Back then, all I wanted to do was go home and be with my friends. I didn’t want to go out anywhere, and I just sat in my room all day basically because I didn’t really have friends. Now, it’s totally different. I have a group of amazing people I’m lucky to call my good friends, I hang out and go out with them, I eat dinner with them, I even do projects with them!

This last week has made me really, truly feel like I’m living the ideal college life. Going to class, being with my friends, napping (a necessity), and going out on the weekends- who could want anything more? Last week, our leap pride went to a spikes game and today, we went to laser tag. It was SO fun, and in the middle of it I fell almost flat on my face… typical me. I got a scrape on my knee 🙁

Although we will all be parting ways for the fall, I really hope that we all still remain good friends and hang out with each other. I really treasure these friendships, because these people are the people who helped me get through this summer– without them, I would’ve been miserable in my room all the time and I could’ve possibly left PSU. They made my experience as great as it’s been so far, and I don’t want to lose them come the fall. I’ve heard a lot of upperclassmen say that even after all their years here at Penn State, some of their closest friends were fellow leapers, so I’m hoping that holds true with us. Of course, all relationships are two-way streets, so I’ll definitely be making an effort to keep them in my life!


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