What is Hair Typing?
Hair typing is a system developed by Andre Walker. With four main hair types , each type ranges from two to three different textures that lets you know what your exact hair type is. Once you’ve identified your hair type, Andre has created a haircare line called “The Gold System”, with each product made specifically for a certain hair texture. Women with kinky hair types are able to determine which products will work best for their hair based on the shapes of their curls and the porosity of their cuticles. Andre Walker was also Oprah Winfrey’s hair stylist for over 25 years.
Hair Types
Straight Hair
1A- defined as thin and fine.
1B- mixture of thin and coarse hair.
1C- This hair type is coarse, curl resistant, and usually has the most sheen because the oils from the scalp can easily reach the ends of the hair.
Wavy Hair
2A- defined as fine with a slight “S” wave at the ends of the hair; usually undefined and lacks volume.
2B- has a little more definition in the “S” curl pattern with slight frizz at the top of the head.
2C- coarse with a lot of volume and the “S” curl is definitely defined.
Curly Hair
3A- Big loose shiny curls. Form sort of an S shape.
3B- Springy curls. Form the shape of a cork screw. Hair tends to be coarse and dense
3C- Combination of curls and coils. Tighter cork screw pattern. Tend to be coarse and more subjective to shrinkage
Coily/Kinky Curly Hair
4A- full of tight coils. It has an “S” pattern when stretched, much like Type 3 hair.
4B- less defined pattern of curls and looks more like a “Z” as the hair bends with very sharp angles.
4C- Thick coarse hair. Doesn’t form curls but can form very tight coils with the use of certain products.
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I really like the look of the site. I was able to see, through your blog, that you are passionate about hair typing. However, I feel that by including a few more details about each hair style, talking about your preference and discussing the historical context of the development of these styles could make this blog stand apart.
I love your blog theme, the header is super cute! You also did a great job at explaining the hair types and helped me to better understand hair!
I never knew there were a lot of detailed types of hair style. After reading your blog, I start to have a new understanding about hair style. Very interesting!