Neutron star mergers
This simulation shows the proton fraction of the material ejected during a neutron star merger. Low values (blue) denote very neutron rich material, while high values (red) denote symmetric matter (same number of protons and neutrons). The neutron fraction of the outflows determine what kind of elements are formed as the nucleons condense to form nuclei, and the properties of the associated electromagnetic counterpart (color and duration).
These videos show the rest-mass density (in grams per cubic centimeter) of matter in a neutron star merger. For the second movie we have made all of the material above the orbital plane transparent, so that it is possible to see the evolution of the central object until its ultimate collapse to black hole.
Core-collapse supernovae
Entropy in a parametrized study of turbulent neutrino-driven convection. The visualization shows how turbulence changes in character as the resolution is increased from that typical of full-physics simulations (left quadrant) by factors of 2, 4, and 12.
Deconfined Quark Phase in a binary neutron star merger
The simulation shows a merger of binary neutron stars with mass configuration targetted at the binary pulsar PSR J1829+2456. The equation of state models a first-order phase transition to a deconfined quark matter (shown in red) achieved at densities and temperatures encountered during the postmerger evolution.
Thermodynamic evolution of a binary neutron star merger
The video shows the evolution of thermodynamic properties (density and temperature) of neutron stars of masses 1.3325 Mo each as they merge. The background colour code represents the amount of baryonic mass corresponding to a given temperature and density at a particular time. At the post-merger times, regions that thermodynamically favour a deconfined quark phase are also highlighted.