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Penn State University – Abington

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  • 2020-2024: Abington Science and Engineering Undergraduate Research Program, a program to support undergraduate research activities in a variety of projects. Examples: radio astronomy, defects in materials, design of intelligent sensing as applied to electric wheelchairs, organic chemical synthesis and studies on DNA damage in cells
  • 2020-2024: Design of Cube Sat Protoypes and High Altitude Testing

Contact information:

Dr. Ann Schmiedekamp
Professor of Physics
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research
1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001
Email: ams@psu.edu
Tel: (215) 881-7572
Webpage: https://www.abington.psu.edu/person/ann-schmiedekamp-ph-d

Undergraduate students work on design of Cube Sat prototypes for eventual high-altitude testing.
Undergraduate students work on design of Cube Sat prototypes for eventual high-altitude testing.
Undergraduate students work on a variety of projects in science and engineering. These projects can include detection of radiation induced damage in materials, intelligent sensing and the application to electric wheelchairs, organic compound synthesis and DNA damage to cells.
Undergraduate students work on a variety of projects in science and engineering. These projects can include detection of radiation induced damage in materials, intelligent sensing and the application to electric wheelchairs, organic compound synthesis and DNA damage to cells.
Undergraduate students work on a variety of projects in science and engineering. One of these projects involves radioastronomy using a 20 meter diameter radio telescope located at the Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank WV.
Giant radio telescope with students pictured at base: Undergraduate students work on a variety of projects in science and engineering. One of these projects involves radioastronomy using a 20 meter diameter radio telescope located at the Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank WV.
Undergraduate students work on the design of Cube Sat prototypes and then test these prototypes at high altitude. This photo is from one of the balloon high altitude tests.cube-in-sky
Cube Sat aloft in the high upper atmosphere: Undergraduate students work on the design of Cube Sat prototypes and then test these prototypes at high altitude. This photo is from one of the balloon high altitude tests.
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