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Student Participation Profile Form

If you are a student and have participated in a NASA PA Space Grant funded program, activity, fellowship, scholarship, etc. for any amount of time you need to complete the participant profile form. NASA requires us to track  all students who are supported by our funding. The use of this form is crucial to the continuation and success of all NASA PA Space Grant programs.

If you have participated in a program please complete our Student Participation Profile Form

This form needs to be completed every academic cycle you are in a program. For example, if you participated in a space systems lab from 2022-2024, one profile is needed for 22-23 and one for 23-24.
Please fill out accurately and the best of your ability. Your information is safely stored and only shared with NASA.


Project Activity Form

If you are a PI on a NASA PA Space Grant funded program you need to complete a project activity form for each program cycle that you program runs. If the program doesn’t have a defined cycle, we require you to complete one per academic year. We understand that our affiliate PIs tend to run a similar program every year so we recommend you save a copy of the general information that is put into the form.  Then you can adjust this information every cycle to fit what happened in your program. NASA requires us to submit updated happenings of our affiliates and other groups we fund, so this form is built to capture that information.

Programs funded by a PSGC Mini-Grant  need to complete a project activity form within 30 days of period of performance end date.

If you are a PSGC funded program PI please complete the Project Activity Form once per program/academic cycle.


Undergraduate Statewide Scholarship/PSU UP Graduate Fellowship/PSU UP WMF Internship Applications

If you are looking to apply for one of the PA Space Grant Programs listed above please use the corresponding link below to go to its information page.  Please read the program qualifications before applying. The link to the application form will be on the page for the program.


PSGC Competitive Mini-Grant Program Applications

If you are looking to apply for the PSGC competitive Mini-Grant Program please visit the program’s informational page.  The application process for this program requires a detailed justification and budget to apply so please read the requirements thoroughly before submission.



If you have any questions in regards to any of the forms or applications listed please contact us at spacegrant@psu.edu.

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