
If you’re looking to read some manga, then you’re in luck! Whether you’re looking to try out something new, or if you’re looking to read an old favorite, you can come check out our collection of manga in the club room, 114 HUB. Just fill out the checkout form to organize a pickup and drop-off time for the manga you check out. We also have some anime and other media available to check out! Below is our myanimelist listing all of the manga and anime in our collection that you can check out! Stop by to look around!




Where is the library?

It’s in our club room, 114 HUB!


How do I borrow manga/anime? 

Complete our google form here!


Where and when can I read and borrow manga?

Come to our club room after you complete the google form come to 114 in the HUB. Remember manga is due back in 2 weeks and you can only check out 5 at a time.


What manga/anime do you have available?

Below is a spreadsheet detailing the names and respective number of volumes of different manga in our library, as well as what shelf they are on. Ask our librarians if you need assistance in finding the one you’re looking for! Remember all manga will be disinfected and quarantined for a week before next check out so, if we don’t have a book wait a week for disinfection!


Download the library spreadsheet here!