Welcome Back & What You Can Expect

Hello! I’m Abby, the President of Penn State’s Public Relations Student Society of America- PRSSA for short. Thanks to the help of my leadership team and our faculty advisor, Tara, we have an AMAZING semester in store.

This year we have our first-ever Director of Programming, Kate, who will be spearheading seven workshops, which will take the place of our general meetings. Each meeting will include a speaker and hands-on follow-up activity that contributes to ‘building your personal media kit’. 

A media kit is a pre-packaged set of marketing materials that promote a person, business, or cause. As aspiring public relations professionals, it’s important that we have our own ‘media kit’ filled with experience, knowledge, and support. PRSSA is here to help! 


  • Access to the PRSSA Internship Center, JobCenter, and scholarships
  • Hands-on experience with PR skills and opportunities to develop writing samples through activities and workshops
  • Networking within Bellisario & beyond to find mentors, learn about the industry and connect regarding internships and jobs
  • Leadership opportunities within the organization to build your resume
  • Involvement in university-wide activities such as THON

We are committed to students feeling welcomed and supported in PRSSA. Our diversity, inclusion, and belonging focus aim to make PR accessible and interesting to everyone, and our Exploration Committee helps introduce new members to the industry and each other. 

What Can I Expect?

Our first meeting is on Tuesday, September 7th at 7 P.M. in 62 Willard! We will be sharing details about the semester there! This semester PRSSA will be meeting every other week on Tuesdays at 7 P.M.

The exploration committee, for new members of PRSSA, led by our amazing Co-Vice Presidents Marlena and Sean, will meet once a month in September, October, and November! 

There will also be opportunities to get involved with our Diversity and Inclusion efforts, along with THON fundraising and participation! 

PRSSA will have a space in the brand new Willard Media Center on Wednesdays for members to come to ask questions, hang out, or do homework with our leadership team!

Fall Schedule 

September 7: Kickoff Meeting

September 14: Exploration Committee #1

September 21: Building Your Brand 

October 5: Strategize the Story 

October 12: Exploration Committee #2

October 19: Perfecting The Pitch 

November 2: Survival of the Fittest 

November 9: Exploration Committee #3

November 16: The Intersection of Advertising & PR 

November 30: Research & Insights in Action 

How Do I Join?

  1. Fill out this form to join our listserv: https://forms.gle/jwTK2YwL2px1YK3J9
  2. Attend our first meeting on September 7th at 7 P.M. in 62 Willard
  3. Pay Nationals PRSSA dues of $55 (covers the whole year) by Sept. 30 @ https://prssa.prsa.org/join-prssa/

We hope all of our members come out of the semester with industry knowledge, a strong network within Bellisario and beyond, and ready to face Public Relations at Penn State, and the world, with ease. Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

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