Via Etsy
This bumper sticker relates to the issue of gun control. A lot of people have different opinions about this topic and there has been many arguments about whether there should be stricter gun control laws. People who are against stricter gun laws believe that their 2nd amendment right will be violated. This sticker appeals to people are against gun control.
The sticker says “I Carry A Gun Because A Cop Is Too Heavy” and the message implied is that people should be allowed to carry their guns because they can’t rely on protection from police all the time. The implied message is also that The ideology that this sticker appeals to is the ideology that everyone has the right to protect themselves by baring arms. The logical appeal comes from the line that says “A cop is too heavy”. It’s a logical statement because no one would be able to carry a police officer, it’s not practical. The statement is easy to get even if you have different views about this topic.
Stricter gun laws has been a very big topic recently due to many mass shootings. There has been mass shootings at schools and other public places. People feel unsafe and want guns not to be so easily accessible to people who abuse this right. There has been many marches, walk-outs, and protests to call for gun control and to keep our children and communities safe. The commonplace is that everyone should be safe and protected but there is a disconnect in how people believe we should go about it. This sticker works logically but it is a very over dramatic statement. The sticker could have made a statement about their views but without such a sarcastic tone. Gun control is a serious issue but the sticker makes it seem like a joke by saying that a cop is too heavy to carry.
A photo of a walk-out held at my high school. Image by Mya Rivers/PicsByMyxx
I agree that the hyperbole present in the bumper sticker does a lot to detract from its overall meaning, and that the humorous tone detracts from the ethos of the person weighing in on the issue. Such societal problems can’t really be distilled down to a couple of words… if they could, they might be easier to solve.
This sticker is so gross in my opinion. It brushes over not only violent gun crimes committed by civilians but also ones committed by the police themselves. The fact that gun-wielding civilians see themselves is cops is troubling for a number of reasons. People really want to live in a bubble and not acknowledge the the way things actually are for many people living in this country.