How To Give A Bad Speech

For this video I will be analyzing the beginning up until 2 minutes ( 0:00-2:00).This video shows a politician by the name of Phil Davison who is running for the Stark County treasurer position. Unfortunately Phil’s speech wasn’t very good and definitely wasn’t persuasive. Phil’s speech didn’t have a good start. In the beginning he started off bad by looking down at his speech that was written down and moving around the podium instead of staying in one spot. His eye contact was horrible because he couldn’t stop reading his speech. It was very obvious that he didn’t practice or go over his speech ahead of time. Throughout the entire speech, he yelled at his audience instead of speaking calmly to them. He also stumbled on his words a lot.

Organization: For the part that I am analyzing it is kinda organized. He started off by introducing himself and what he was running for then. He also talked about his education and his accomplishments.

Persuasive Appeal: His persuasive appeal is really bad. Even though he is passionate about his topic, he is too passionate about it. He doesn’t give his audience a chance to think about what he is saying he is just pointing and them and ranting. It is ironic that he has a master’s degree in communication but doesn’t communicate well with his audience. The delivery of his speech was off. If he would have taken is time and had an appropriate tone, his speech could have been better.

My overall assessment of his speech is that it was really bad. Honestly I thought it was joke when I first watched it. The only thing he did well was speak loud enough for  everyone to hear him. He relied to much on his paper instead of making sure he had good eye contact. If he rehearsed or practiced I think he would have done better. It was hard to take his serious because he kept moving around and yelling.


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