Bunked Studies

Image via Hoax-Slayer

“Studies Are Usually Bunk, Study Shows” by Andy Kessler discusses how studies aren’t always complete true information. I agree with Andrew about how just because something says “studies show” it doesn’t mean that you should trust it. A lot of articles and research use that phrase to get us to believe they are reliable. I also agree with what he said in the end about just because there is a correlation between two things it doesn’t mean that one of those things are the cause of the other. I think that he could have used more information in his analysis. He only chose small examples of bunk information but he could went into more detail. He only talked about psychology studies. He also talked a lot of grad students like they are bad or not intelligent.

This is important when  considering research for my paradigm shift because there are a lot of research papers related to my topic. It’s hard to figure out which source is actually something reliable and can be proven.  When choosing what information I use I have to be cautious and keep in mind that just because there was a study on something it doesn’t mean that it’s entirely true. I should also make sure that their is a lot of details instead of just general information.

Image via The Chronicle

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